
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.99}}
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  author = {Lorenz Kapral AND Christoph Dibiasi AND Natasa Jeremic AND Stefan Bartos AND Sybille Behrens AND Aylin Bilir AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Oliver Kimberger},
  title = {Temporal fusion transformer models for continuous intraoperative blood pressure forcasting: development and external validation},
  year = 2024,
  note = {\textit{Submitted for publication}}
  author = {G. Angloher AND S. Banik AND G. Benato AND A. Bento AND A. Bertolini AND R. Breier AND C. Bucci AND J. Burkhart AND L. Canonica AND A. D'Addabbo AND S. Di Lorenzo AND L. Einfalt AND A. Erb AND F. Feilitzsch AND S. Fichtinger AND D. Fuchs AND A. Garai AND V.M. Ghete AND P. Gorla AND P.V. Guillaumon AND S. Gupta AND D. Hauff AND M. Je\v{s}kovsk\'y AND J. Jochum AND M. Kaznacheeva AND A. Kinast AND S. Kuckuk AND H. Kluck AND H. Kraus AND A. Langenkämper AND M. Mancuso AND L. Marini AND B. Mauri AND L. Meyer AND V. Mokina AND K. Niedermayer AND M. Olmi AND T. Ortmann AND C. Pagliarone AND L. Pattavina AND F. Petricca AND W. Potzel AND P. Povinec AND F. Pröbst AND F. Pucci AND F. Reindl AND J. Rothe AND K. Schäffner AND J. Schieck AND S. Schönert AND C. Schwertner AND M. Stahlberg AND L. Stodolsky AND C. Strandhagen AND R. Strauss AND I. Usherov AND F. Wagner AND V. Wagner AND M. Willers AND V. Zema AND C. Heitzinger AND W. Waltenberger},
  title = {Optimal operation of cryogenic calorimeters through deep reinforcement learning},
  journal = {Computing and Software for Big Science},
  volume = 8,
  pages = {10/1--25},
  year = 2024,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Angloher2024optimal.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s41781-024-00119-y},
  abstract = {Cryogenic phonon detectors with transition-edge sensors
                  achieve the best sensitivity to sub-GeV/$c^2$ dark
                  matter interactions with nuclei in current direct
                  detection experiments. In such devices, the
                  temperature of the thermometer and the bias current
                  in its readout circuit need careful optimization to
                  achieve optimal detector performance. This task is
                  not trivial and is typically done manually by an
                  expert. In our work, we automated the procedure with
                  reinforcement learning in two settings. First, we
                  trained on a simulation of the response of three
                  Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting
                  Thermometers (CRESST) detectors used as a virtual
                  reinforcement learning environment. Second, we
                  trained live on the same detectors operated in the
                  CRESST underground setup. In both cases, we were
                  able to optimize a standard detector as fast and
                  with comparable results as human experts. Our method
                  enables the tuning of large-scale cryogenic detector
                  setups with minimal manual interventions.}
  author = {Laurenz Ruzicka AND Bernhard Strobl AND Stephan Bergmann AND Gerd Nolden AND Tom Michalsky AND Christoph
Domscheit AND Jannis Priesnitz AND Bernhard Kohn AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Towards Synthetic, Physical Fingerprint Targets},
  journal = {Sensors},
  volume = 24,
  pages = {2847/1--42},
  year = 2024,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Ruzicka2024towards.pdf},
  doi = {10.3390/s24092847},
  abstract = {Biometric fingerprint identification hinges on the
                  reliability of its sensors; however, calibrating and
                  standardizing these sensors poses significant
                  challenges, particularly in regards to repeatability
                  and data diversity. To tackle these issues, we
                  propose methodologies for fabricating synthetic 3D
                  fingerprint targets, or phantoms, that closely
                  emulate real human fingerprints. These phantoms
                  enable the precise evaluation and validation of
                  fingerprint sensors under controlled and repeatable
                  conditions. Our research employs laser engraving, 3D
                  printing, and CNC machining techniques, utilizing
                  different materials. We assess the phantoms'
                  fidelity to synthetic fingerprint patterns,
                  intra-class variability, and interoperability across
                  different manufacturing methods. The findings
                  demonstrate that a combination of laser engraving or
                  CNC machining with silicone casting produces
                  finger-like phantoms with high accuracy and
                  consistency for rolled fingerprint recordings. For
                  slap recordings, direct laser engraving of flat
                  silicone targets excels, and in the contactless
                  fingerprint sensor setting, 3D printing and silicone
                  filling provide the most favorable attributes. Our
                  work enables a comprehensive, method-independent
                  comparison of various fabrication methodologies,
                  offering a unique perspective on the strengths and
                  weaknesses of each approach. This facilitates a
                  broader understanding of fingerprint recognition
                  system validation and performance assessment.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Stefan Woltran},
  title = {A short introduction to artificial intelligence: methods, success stories, and current limitations},
  booktitle = {Introduction to Digital Humanism: a Textbook},
  pages = {135-149},
  year = 2024,
  editor = {Hannes Werthner AND Carlo Ghezzi AND Jeff Kramer AND Julian Nida-Rümelin AND 
Bashar Nuseibeh AND Erich Prem and Allison Stanger},
  publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
  address = {Cham},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-45304-5_9},
  abstract = {This chapter gives an overview of the most important methods
                  in artificial intelligence (AI). The methods of
                  symbolic AI are rooted in logic, and finding
                  possible solutions by search is a central
                  aspect. The main challenge is the combinatorial
                  explosion in search, but the focus on the
                  satisfiability problem of propositional logic (SAT)
                  since the 1990s and the accompanying algorithmic
                  improvements have made it possible to solve problems
                  on the scale needed in industrial applications. In
                  machine learning (ML), self-learning algorithms
                  extract information from data and represent the
                  solutions in convenient forms. ML broadly consists
                  of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and
                  reinforcement learning. Successes in the 2010s and
                  early 2020s such as solving Go, chess, and many
                  computer games as well as large language models such
                  as ChatGPT are due to huge computational resources
                  and algorithmic advances in ML. Finally, we reflect
                  on current developments and draw conclusions.}
  author = {Laurenz Ruzicka AND Dominik Söllinger AND Bernhard Kohn AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Andreas Uhl AND Bernhard Strobl},
  title = {Improving sensor interoperability between contactless and contact-based fingerprints using pose correction and unwarping},
  journal = {IET Biometrics},
  year = 2023,
  pages = {7519499/1--16},
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Ruzicka2023improving.pdf},
  doi = {10.1049/2023/7519499},
  abstract = {Current fingerprint identification systems face significant
                  challenges in achieving interoperability between
                  contact-based and contactless fingerprint
                  sensors. In contrast to existing literature, we
                  propose a novel approach that can combine pose
                  correction with further enhancement operations. It
                  uses deep learning models to steer the correction of
                  the viewing angle, therefore enhancing the matching
                  features of contactless fingerprints. The proposed
                  approach was tested on real data of 78 participants
                  (37,162 contactless fingerprints) acquired by
                  national police officers using both contact-based
                  and contactless sensors. The study found that the
                  effectiveness of pose correction and unwarping
                  varied significantly based on the individual
                  characteristics of each fingerprint. However, when
                  the various extension methods were combined on a
                  finger-wise basis, an average decrease of 36.9\% in
                  equal error rates (EERs) was observed. Additionally,
                  the combined impact of pose correction and
                  bidirectional unwarping led to an average increase
                  of 3.72\% in NFIQ 2 scores across all fingers,
                  coupled with a 6.4\% decrease in EERs relative to
                  the baseline. The addition of deep learning
                  techniques presents a promising approach for
                  achieving high-quality fingerprint acquisition using
                  contactless sensors, enhancing recognition accuracy
                  in various domains.}
  author = {Razvan Bologheanu AND Lorenz Kapral AND Daniel Laxar AND Mathias Maleczek AND Christoph Dibiasi AND Sebastian Zeiner AND Asan Agibetov AND Ari Ercole AND Patrick Thoral AND Paul Elbers AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Oliver Kimberger},
  title = {Development of a reinforcement learning algorithm to optimize corticosteroid therapy in critically ill patients with sepsis},
  journal = {Journal of Clinical Medicine},
  volume = 12,
  number = 4,
  pages = {1513/1--13},
  year = 2023,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Bologheanu2023development.pdf},
  doi = {10.3390/jcm12041513},
  abstract = {Background: The optimal indication, dose, and timing of corticosteroids in sepsis is controversial. Here, we used reinforcement learning to derive the optimal steroid policy in septic patients based on data on 3051 ICU admissions from the AmsterdamUMCdb intensive care database. Methods: We identified septic patients according to the 2016 consensus definition. An actor-critic RL algorithm using ICU mortality as a reward signal was developed to determine the optimal treatment policy from time-series data on 277 clinical parameters. We performed off-policy evaluation and testing in independent subsets to assess the algorithm’s performance. Results: Agreement between the RL agent’s policy and the actual documented treatment reached 59\%. Our RL agent’s treatment policy was more restrictive compared to the actual clinician behavior: our algorithm suggested withholding corticosteroids in 62\% of the patient states, versus 52\% according to the physicians’ policy. The 95\% lower bound of the expected reward was higher for the RL agent than clinicians’ historical decisions. ICU mortality after concordant action in the testing dataset was lower both when corticosteroids had been withheld and when corticosteroids had been prescribed by the virtual agent. The most relevant variables were vital parameters and laboratory values, such as blood pressure, heart rate, leucocyte count, and glycemia. Conclusions: Individualized use of corticosteroids in sepsis may result in a mortality benefit, but optimal treatment policy may be more restrictive than the routine clinical practice. Whilst external validation is needed, our study motivates a ‘precision-medicine’ approach to future prospective controlled trials and practice.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Clinicial Medicine:} 4.964.}
  author = {Markus Böck AND Julien Malle AND Daniel Pasterk AND Hrvoje Kukina AND Ramin Hasani AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Superhuman performance on sepsis {MIMIC-III} data by distributional reinforcement learning},
  journal = {PLOS ONE},
  volume = 17,
  number = 11,
  pages = {e0275358/1--18},
  year = 2022,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Boeck2022superhuman.pdf},
  doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0275358},
  abstract = {We present a novel setup for treating sepsis using
                  distributional reinforcement learning (RL). Sepsis
                  is a life-threatening medical emergency. Its
                  treatment is considered to be a challenging
                  high-stakes decision-making problem, which has to
                  procedurally account for risk. Treating sepsis by
                  machine learning algorithms is difficult due to a
                  couple of reasons: There is limited and
                  error-afflicted initial data in a highly complex
                  biological system combined with the need to make
                  robust, transparent and safe decisions. We
                  demonstrate a suitable method that combines data
                  imputation by a kNN model using a custom distance
                  with state representation by discretization using
                  clustering, and that enables superhuman
                  decision-making using speedy Q-learning in the
                  framework of distributional RL. Compared to
                  clinicians, the recovery rate is increased by more
                  than 3\% on the test data set. Our results
                  illustrate how risk-aware RL agents can play a
                  decisive role in critical situations such as the
                  treatment of sepsis patients, a situation acerbated
                  due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Martineau 2020). In
                  addition, we emphasize the tractability of the
                  methodology and the learning behavior while
                  addressing some criticisms of the previous work
                  (Komorowski et al. 2018) on this topic.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{PLOS ONE:} 3.752.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Algorithms for and challenges in the analysis of markers in personalized health care},
  booktitle = {Advances in Precision Nutrition, Personalization, and Healthy Aging},
  pages = {203-229},
  year = 2022,
  editor = {Alexander G. Haslberger},
  publisher = {Springer},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-10153-3_9},
  abstract = {Nowadays, the various omics disciplines such as genomics,
                  proteomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, and
                  transcriptomics generate a plethora of data. At the
                  same time, a multitude of omics markers may be
                  accompanied by a multitude of diseases. Hence,
                  finding relationships between omics markers and
                  disease in their early stages is a challenge that is
                  at the very core of predictive or personalized
                  medicine. In this chapter, an overview of algorithms
                  for solving these problems of supervised learning is
                  given, and challenges in this problem domain are
                  discussed. Questions of learnability should be
                  considered, and the quality and precision of the
                  predictions should be assessed critically and
                  quantitatively. Therefore, quality metrics for the
                  assessment of the predictions are discussed as
  author = {Effat Jalaeian Zaferani AND Mohammad Teshnehlab AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Mansour Vali AND Nima Noii AND Thomas Wick},
  title = {Hyper-parameter optimization of stacked asymmetric auto-encoders for automatic personality traits perception},
  journal = {Sensors},
  volume = 22,
  number = 16,
  pages = {6206/1--22},
  year = 2022,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Zaferani2022hyperparameter.pdf},
  doi = {10.3390/s22166206},
  abstract = {In this work, a method for automatic hyper-parameter tuning
                  of the stacked asymmetric auto-encoder is
                  proposed. In previous work, the deep learning
                  ability to extract personality perception from
                  speech was shown, but hyper-parameter tuning was
                  attained by trial-and-error, which is time-consuming
                  and requires machine learning knowledge. Therefore,
                  obtaining hyper-parameter values is challenging and
                  places limits on deep learning usage. To address
                  this challenge, researchers have applied
                  optimization methods. Although there were successes,
                  the search space is very large due to the large
                  number of deep learning hyper-parameters, which
                  increases the probability of getting stuck in local
                  optima. Researchers have also focused on improving
                  global optimization methods. In this regard, we
                  suggest a novel global optimization method based on
                  the cultural algorithm, multi-island and the concept
                  of parallelism to search this large space
                  smartly. At first, we evaluated our method on three
                  well-known optimization benchmarks and compared the
                  results with recently published papers. Results
                  indicate that the convergence of the proposed method
                  speeds up due to the ability to escape from local
                  optima, and the precision of the results improves
                  dramatically. Afterward, we applied our method to
                  optimize five hyper-parameters of an asymmetric
                  auto-encoder for automatic personality
                  perception. Since inappropriate hyper-parameters
                  lead the network to over-fitting and under-fitting,
                  we used a novel cost function to prevent
                  over-fitting and under-fitting. As observed, the
                  unweighted average recall (accuracy) was improved by
                  6.52\% (9.54\%) compared to our previous work and
                  had remarkable outcomes compared to other published
                  personality perception works.}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Maryam Parvizi AND Mohammad Teshnehlab AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Rational design of field-effect sensors using partial differential equations, {Bayesian} inversion, and artificial neural networks},
  journal = {Sensors},
  volume = 22,
  number = 13,
  pages = {4785/1--18},
  year = 2022,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2022rational.pdf},
  doi = {10.3390/s22134785},
  abstract = {Silicon nanowire field-effect transistors are promising
                  devices used to detect minute amounts of different
                  biological species. We introduce the theoretical and
                  computational aspects of forward and backward
                  modeling of biosensitive sensors. Firstly, we
                  introduce a forward system of partial differential
                  equations to model the electrical behavior, and
                  secondly, a backward Bayesian Markov-chain
                  Monte-Carlo method is used to identify the unknown
                  parameters such as the concentration of target
                  molecules. Furthermore, we introduce a machine
                  learning algorithm according to multilayer
                  feed-forward neural networks. The trained model
                  makes it possible to predict the sensor behavior
                  based on the given parameters.}
  author = {Markus Böck AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Speedy categorical distributional reinforcement learning and complexity analysis},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science},
  volume = 4,
  number = 2,
  pages = {675-693},
  year = 2022,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Boeck2022speedy.pdf},
  doi = {10.1137/20M1364436},
  abstract = {In distributional reinforcement learning, the entire
                  distribution of the return instead of just the
                  expected return is modeled.  The approach with
                  categorical distributions as the approximation
                  method is well-known in Q-learning, and convergence
                  results have been established in the tabular case.
                  In this work, speedy Q-learning is extended to
                  categorical distributions, a finite-time analysis is
                  performed, and probably approximately correct bounds
                  in terms of the Cramér distance are established.  It
                  is shown that also in the distributional case the
                  new update rule yields faster policy evaluation in
                  comparison to the standard Q-learning one and that
                  the sample complexity is essentially the same as the
                  one of the value-based algorithmic counterpart.
                  Without the need for more state-action-reward
                  samples, one gains significantly more information
                  about the return with categorical distributions.
                  Even though the results do not easily extend to the
                  case of policy control, a slight modification to the
                  update rule yields promising numerical results.}
  author = {Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Mehdi Dehghan AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Application of direct meshless local {Petrov}-{Galerkin} method for numerical solution of stochastic elliptic interface problems},
  journal = {Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations},
  volume = 38,
  number = 5,
  pages = {1271-1292},
  year = 2022,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Abbaszadeh2022application.pdf},
  doi = {10.1002/num.22742},
  abstract = {A truly meshless numerical procedure to simulate stochastic
                  elliptic interface problems is developed. The
                  meshless method is based on the generalized moving
                  least squares approximation. This method can be
                  implemented in a straightforward manner and has a
                  very good accuracy for solving this kind of
                  problems. Several realistic examples are presented
                  to investigate the efficiency of the new
                  procedure. Furthermore, compared with other meshless
                  methods that have been developed, the present
                  technique needs less CPU time.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations:} 3.009.}
  author = {Jose A. Morales Escalante AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Stochastic {Galerkin} Methods for the {Boltzmann}-{Poisson} system},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Phys.},
  volume = 466,
  pages = {111400/1--30},
  year = 2022,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Morales2022stochastic.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/},
  abstract = {We study uncertainty quantification for a Boltzmann-Poisson
                  system that models electron transport in
                  semiconductors and the physical collision mechanisms
                  over the charges, using the stochastic Galerkin
                  method in order to handle the randomness associated
                  with the problem. In this study we choose first as a
                  source of uncertainty the phonon energy, taking it
                  as a random variable, as its value influences the
                  energy jump appearing in the collision integral for
                  electron-phonon scattering. Then we choose the
                  lattice temperature as a random variable, since it
                  defines the value of the collision operator terms in
                  the case of electron-phonon scattering by being a
                  parameter of the phonon distribution. Finally, we
                  present our numerical simulations for the latter
                  case. We calculate then with our stochastic
                  Discontinuous Galerkin methods the uncertainty in
                  kinetic moments such as density, mean energy,
                  current, etc. associated to a possible physical
                  temperature variation (assumed to follow a uniform
                  distribution) in the lattice environment, as this
                  uncertainty in the temperature is propagated into
                  the electron PDF. Our mathematical and computational
                  results let us predict then in a real world problem
                  setting the impact that possible variations in the
                  lab conditions (such as temperature) or limitations
                  in the mathematical model (such as assumption of a
                  constant phonon energy) will have over the
                  uncertainty in the behavior of electronic devices.}
  author = {Elena Tomeva AND Olivier J. Switzeny AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Berit Hippe AND Alexander G. Haslberger},
  title = {Comprehensive approach to distinguish patients with solid tumors from healthy controls by combining androgen receptor mutation {p.H875Y} with cell-free {DNA} methylation and circulating {miRNAs}},
  journal = {Cancers},
  volume = 14,
  number = 2,
  pages = {462/1--14},
  year = 2022,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Tomeva2022comprehensive.pdf},
  doi = {10.3390/cancers14020462},
  abstract = {Simple Summary: Blood-based tests for cancer detection are
                  minimally invasive and could be useful for
                  screening asymptomatic patients and high-risk
                  populations. Since a single molecular biomarker is
                  usually insufficient for an accurate diagnosis, we
                  developed a multi-analyte liquid biopsy-based
                  classification model to distinguish cancer patients
                  from healthy subjects. The combination of
                  cell-free DNA mutations, miRNAs, and cell-free DNA
                  methylation markers improved the model's
                  performance. Moreover, we demonstrated that the
                  androgen receptor mutation p.H875Y is not only
                  relevant in prostate cancer but had a strong
                  predictive value for colorectal, bladder, and breast
                  cancer. Our results, although preliminary, showed
                  that a single liquid biopsy test could detect
                  multiple cancer types simultaneously.

                  Liquid biopsy-based tests emerge progressively as an
                  important tool for cancer diagnostics and
                  management. Currently, researchers focus on a single
                  biomarker type and one tumor entity. This study
                  aimed to create a multi-analyte liquid biopsy test
                  for the simultaneous detection of several solid
                  cancers. For this purpose, we analyzed cell-free DNA
                  (cfDNA) mutations and methylation, as well as
                  circulating miRNAs (miRNAs) in plasma samples from
                  97 patients with cancer (20 bladder, 9 brain, 30
                  breast, 28 colorectal, 29 lung, 19 ovarian, 12
                  pancreas, 27 prostate, 23 stomach) and 15 healthy
                  controls via real-time qPCR. Androgen receptor
                  p.H875Y mutation (AR) was detected for the first
                  time in bladder, lung, stomach, ovarian, brain, and
                  pancreas cancer, all together in 51.3\% of all
                  cancer samples and in none of the healthy
                  controls. A discriminant function model, comprising
                  cfDNA mutations (COSM10758, COSM18561), cfDNA
                  methylation markers (MLH1, MDR1, GATA5, SFN) and
                  miRNAs (miR-17-5p, miR-20a-5p, miR-21-5p,
                  miR-26a-5p, miR-27a-3p, miR-29c-3p, miR-92a-3p,
                  miR-101-3p, miR-133a-3p, miR-148b-3p, miR-155-5p,
                  miR-195-5p) could further classify healthy and tumor
                  samples with 95.4\% accuracy, 97.9\% sensitivity,
                  80\% specificity. This multi-analyte liquid
                  biopsy-based test may help improve the simultaneous
                  detection of several cancer types and underlines the
                  importance of combining genetic and epigenetic
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Cancers:} 6.639}
  author = {Gregor Mitscha-Baude AND Benjamin Stadlbauer AND Stefan Howorka AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Protein transport through nanospace illuminated by high-throughput simulations},
  journal = {ACS Nano},
  volume = 15,
  pages = {9900-9912},
  year = 2021,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Mitscha-Baude2021protein.pdf},
  doi = {10.1021/acsnano.1c01078},
  abstract = {The transport of molecules through nanoscale confined space
                  is relevant in biology, biosensing, and industrial
                  filtration. Microscopically modeling transport
                  through nanopores is required for a fundamental
                  understanding and guiding engineering, but the short
                  duration and low replica number of existing
                  simulation approaches limit statistically relevant
                  insight. Here we explore protein transport in
                  nanopores with a high-throughput computational
                  method that realistically simulates hundreds of up
                  to seconds-long protein trajectories by combining
                  Brownian dynamics and continuum simulation and
                  integrating both driving forces of electroosmosis
                  and electrophoresis. Ionic current traces are
                  computed to enable experimental comparison. By
                  examining three biological and synthetic nanopores,
                  our study answers questions about the kinetics and
                  mechanism of protein transport and additionally
                  reveals insight that is inaccessible from
                  experiments yet relevant for pore design. The
                  discovery of extremely frequent unhindered passage
                  can guide the improvement of biosensor pores to
                  enhance desired biomolecular recognition by
                  pore-tethered receptors. Similarly, experimentally
                  invisible nontarget adsorption to pore walls
                  highlights how to improve recently developed DNA
                  nanopores. Our work can be expanded to
                  pressure-driven flow to model industrial
                  nanofiltration processes.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{ACS Nano:} 15.881}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Jose A. Morales Escalante},
  title = {Homogenization of boundary layers in the {Boltzmann}-{Poisson} system},
  journal = {Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS)},
  volume = 19,
  number = 1,
  pages = {506-532},
  year = 2021,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2021homogenization.pdf},
  doi = {10.1137/18M1193888},
  abstract = {We homogenize the Boltzmann--Poisson system where the
                  background medium is given by a periodic
                  permittivity and a periodic charge
                  concentration. The domain is the half-space with a
                  periodic charge concentration on the boundary. Hence
                  the domain consists of cells in ${\mathbb{R}}^3$
                  that are periodically repeated in two dimensions and
                  unbounded in the third dimension. We obtain formal
                  results for this homogenization problem. We prove
                  the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the
                  Laplace and Poisson problems in the fast variables
                  with periodic and surface charge boundary conditions
                  generating an electric field at infinity, obtaining
                  formal solutions for the potential in terms of
                  Magnus expansions for the case where the diagonal
                  permittivity matrix depends on the vertical fast
                  variable. Further on, splitting the potential into a
                  stationary part and a self-consistent part,
                  performing the two-scale homogenization expansions
                  for the Poisson and the Boltzmann equations, and
                  applying a solvability condition, we arrive at the
                  drift-diffusion equations for the boundary-layer
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS):} 3.899}
  author = {Ahmad Karimi AND Leila Taghizadeh AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Optimal {Bayesian} experimental design for electrical impedance tomography in medical imaging},
  journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME)},
  volume = 373,
  pages = {113489/1--17},
  year = 2021,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Karimi2021optimal.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2020.113489},
  abstract = {Optimal design of electronic devices such as sensors is
                  essential since it results in more accurate output
                  at the shortest possible time. In this work, we
                  develop optimal Bayesian inversion for electrical
                  impedance tomography (EIT) technology in order to
                  improve the quality of medical images generated by
                  EIT and to put this promising imaging technology
                  into practice. We optimize Bayesian experimental
                  design by maximizing the expected information gain
                  in the Bayesian inversion process in order to design
                  optimal experiments and obtain the most informative
                  data about the unknown parameters. We present
                  optimal experimental designs including optimal
                  frequency and optimal electrode configuration, all
                  of which result in the most accurate estimation of
                  the unknown quantities to date and high-resolution
                  EIT medical images, which are crucial for diagnostic
                  purposes. Numerical results show the efficiency of
                  the proposed optimal Bayesian inversion method for
                  the EIT inverse problem.},
  note = {Impact factor of CMAME: 6.756}
  author = {Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Mehdi Dehghan AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Nima Noii AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Thomas Wick},
  title = {A reduced-order variational multiscale interpolating element free {Galerkin} technique based on proper orthogonal decomposition for solving {Navier-Stokes} equations coupled with a heat transfer equation: nonstationary incompressible {Boussinesq} equations},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Phys.},
  volume = 426,
  pages = {109875/1--27},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Abbaszadeh2020reduced.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/},
  abstract = {In the recent decade, meshless methods have been handled for
                  solving some PDEs due to their easiness. One of the
                  most efficient meshless methods is the element free
                  Galerkin (EFG) method. The test and trial functions
                  of the EFG are based upon the special
                  basis. Recently, some modifications have been
                  developed to improve the EFG method. One of these
                  improvements is the variational multiscale EFG
                  (VMEFG) procedure. In the current article, the shape
                  functions of interpolating moving least squares
                  (IMLS) approximation are applied to the variational
                  multiscale EFG technique to numerical study the
                  Navier–Stokes equations coupled with a heat transfer
                  equation such that this model is well-known as
                  two-dimensional nonstationary Boussinesq
                  equations. In order to reduce the computational time
                  of simulation, we employ a reduced order model (ROM)
                  based on the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)
                  technique. In the current paper, we developed a new
                  reduced order model based on the meshless numerical
                  procedure for solving an important model in fluid
                  mechanics. To illustrate the reduction in CPU time
                  as well as the efficiency of the proposed method, we
                  investigate two-dimensional cases.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Computational Physics:} 3.553}
  author = {Leila Taghizadeh AND Ahmad Karimi AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Uncertainty quantification in epidemiological models for the {COVID-19} pandemic},
  journal = {Computers in Biology and Medicine},
  volume = 125,
  number = 104011,
  pages = {1-11},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Taghizadeh2020uncertainty.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.104011},
  abstract = {Mathematical modeling of epidemiological diseases using
                  differential equations are of great importance in
                  order to recognize the characteristics of the
                  diseases and their outbreak.  The procedure of
                  modeling consists of two essential components: the
                  first component is to solve the mathematical model
                  numerically, the so-called forward modeling.  The
                  second component is to identify the unknown
                  parameter values in the model, which is known as
                  inverse modeling and leads to identifying the
                  epidemiological model more precisely.  The main goal
                  of this paper is to develop the forward and inverse
                  modeling of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
                  using novel computational methodologies in order to
                  accurately estimate and predict the pandemic.  This
                  leads to governmental decisions support in
                  implementing effective protective measures and
                  prevention of new outbreaks.  To this end, we use
                  the logistic equation and the SIR
                  (susceptible-infected-removed) system of ordinary
                  differential equations to model the spread of the
                  COVID-19 pandemic.  For the inverse modeling, we
                  propose Bayesian inversion techniques, which are
                  robust and reliable approaches, in order to estimate
                  the unknown parameters of the epidemiological
                  models.  We deploy an adaptive Markov-chain
                  Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for the estimation of a
                  posteriori probability distribution and confidence
                  intervals for the unknown model parameters as well
                  as for the reproduction number.  We perform our
                  analyses on the publicly available data for Austria
                  to estimate the main epidemiological model
                  parameters and to study the effectiveness of the
                  protective measures by the Austrian government.  The
                  estimated parameters and the analysis of fatalities
                  provide useful information for decision makers and
                  makes it possible to perform more realistic
                  forecasts of future outbreaks.  According to our
                  Bayesian analysis for the logistic model, the growth
                  rate and the carrying capacity are estimated
                  respectively as 0.28 and 14974.  Moreover for the
                  parameters of the SIR model, namely the transmission
                  rate and recovery rate, we estimate 0.36 and 0.06,
                  respectively.  Additionally, we obtained an average
                  infectious period of 17 days and a transmission
                  period of 3 days for COVID-19 in Austria.  We also
                  estimate the reproduction number over time for
                  Austria. This quantity is estimated around 3 on
                  March 26, when the first recovery was reported.
                  Then it decays to 1 at the beginning of April.
                  Furthermore, we present a fatality analysis for
                  COVID-19 in Austria, which is also of importance for
                  governmental protective decision making.  According
                  to our analysis, the case fatality rate (CFR) is
                  estimated as 4\% and a prediction of the number of
                  fatalities for the coming 10 days is also presented.
                  Additionally, the ICU bed usage in Austria indicates
                  that around 2\% of the active infected individuals
                  are critical cases and require ICU beds.  Therefore,
                  if Austrian governmental protective measures would
                  not have taken place and for instance if the number
                  of active infected cases would have been around five
                  times larger, the ICU bed capacity could have been
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Computers in Biology and Medicine:} 4.589}
  author = {Yousef {Adeli Sadabad} AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Kiarash Hosseini AND Marjan Hedayati AND Reza Kalantarinejad AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Frequency dependence of dielectrophoresis fabrication of single-walled carbon nanotube field-effect transistors},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 19,
  number = 4,
  pages = {1516-1526},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/AdeliSadabad2020frequency.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-020-01562-x},
  abstract = {A new theoretical model for the dielectrophoretic (DEP)
                  fabrication of single-walled carbon nanotubes
                  (SWCNTs) is presented. A different frequency
                  interval for the alignment of wide-energy-gap
                  semiconductor SWCNTs is obtained, exhibiting a
                  considerable difference from the prevalent
                  model. Two specific models are study, namely the
                  spherical model and the ellipsoid model, to estimate
                  the frequency interval. Then, the DEP process is
                  performed and the obtained frequencies (from the
                  spherical and ellipsoid models) are used to align
                  the SWCNTs. These empirical results confirm the
                  theoretical predictions, representing a crucial step
                  towards the realization of carbon nanotube
                  field-effect transistors (CNT-FETs) via the DEP
                  process based on the ellipsoid model.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Nima Noii AND Maryam Parvizi AND Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Thomas Wick AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {A {Bayesian} estimation method for variational phase-field fracture problems},
  journal = {Computational Mechanics},
  volume = 66,
  pages = {827-849},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2020estimation.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s00466-020-01876-4},
  abstract = {In this work, we propose a parameter estimation framework
                  for fracture propagation problems. The fracture
                  problem is described by a phase-field
                  method. Parameter estimation is realized with a
                  Bayesian approach. Here, the focus is on
                  uncertainties arising in the solid material
                  parameters and the critical energy release rate. A
                  reference value (obtained on a sufficiently refined
                  mesh) as the replacement of measurement data will be
                  chosen, and their posterior distribution is
                  obtained. Due to time- and mesh dependencies of the
                  problem, the computational costs can be high. Using
                  Bayesian inversion, we solve the problem on a
                  relatively coarse mesh and fit the parameters. In
                  several numerical examples our proposed framework is
                  substantiated and the obtained load-displacement
                  curves, that are usually the target functions, are
                  matched with the reference values.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Computational Mechanics:} 4.014}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Maryam Parvizi AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {An adaptive multilevel {Monte-Carlo} algorithm for the stochastic drift-diffusion-{Poisson} system},
  journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME)},
  volume = 368,
  pages = {113163/1--23},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2020adaptive.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2020.113163},
  abstract = {We present an adaptive multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm for
                  solving the stochastic drift–diffusion–Poisson
                  system with non-zero recombination rate. The
                  a-posteriori error is estimated to enable
                  goal-oriented adaptive mesh refinement for the
                  spatial dimensions, while the a-priori error is
                  estimated to guarantee linear convergence of the
                  $H^1$ error. In the adaptive mesh refinement,
                  efficient estimation of the error indicator gives
                  rise to better error control. For the stochastic
                  dimensions, we use the multilevel Monte Carlo method
                  to solve this system of stochastic partial
                  differential equations. Finally, the advantage of
                  the technique developed here compared to uniform
                  mesh refinement is discussed using a realistic
                  numerical example.},
  note = {Impact factor of CMAME: 6.756}
  author = {Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Mehdi Dehghan AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Error analysis of the interpolating element free {Galerkin} method to solve the non-linear extended {Fisher}-{Kolmogorov} equation},
  journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
  volume = 80,
  pages = {247-262},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Abbaszadeh2020error.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2020.03.014},
  abstract = {Nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) play an
                  important role in the modeling of the natural
                  phenomena as they have great significance in
                  real-world applications. This investigation proposes
                  a new algorithm to find the numerical solution of
                  the nonlinear extended Fisher–Kolmogorov
                  equation. Firstly, the time variable is discretized
                  by a second-order finite difference scheme. The rate
                  of convergence and stability of the semi-discrete
                  formulation are studied by the energy method. The
                  existence and uniqueness of the solution of the weak
                  form based on the proposed technique have been
                  proved in detail. Furthermore, the interpolating
                  element free Galerkin approach based on the
                  interpolation moving least-squares approximation is
                  employed to derive a fully discrete scheme. Finally,
                  the error estimate of the full-discrete plan is
                  proposed and its convergence order is $O(\tau^2 +
                  \delta^{m+1})$ in which $\tau$, $\delta$ and $m$
                  denote the time step, the radius of the weight
                  function and smoothness of the exact solution of the
                  main problem, respectively.},
  note = {2018 impact factor of \textit{Computers and Mathematics with Applications:} 2.811}
  author = {Leila Taghizadeh AND Ahmad Karimi AND Benjamin Stadlbauer AND Wolfgang J. Weninger AND Eugenijus Kaniusas AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {{Bayesian} inversion for electrical-impedance tomography in medical imaging using the nonlinear {Poisson}-{Boltzmann} equation},
  journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME)},
  volume = 365,
  pages = {112959/1--16},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Taghizadeh2020inversion.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2020.112959},
  abstract = {We develop an electrical-impedance tomography (EIT) inverse
                  model problem in an infinite-dimensional setting by
                  introducing a nonlinear elliptic PDE as a new EIT
                  forward model. The new model completes the standard
                  linear model by taking the transport of ionic charge
                  into account, which was ignored in the standard
                  equation. We propose Bayesian inversion methods to
                  extract electrical properties of inhomogeneities in
                  the main body, which is essential in medicine to
                  screen the interior body and detect tumors or
                  determine body composition. We also prove
                  well-definedness of the posterior measure and
                  well-posedness of the Bayesian inversion for the
                  presented nonlinear model. The new model is able to
                  distinguish between liquid and tissues and the
                  state-of-the-art delayed-rejection
                  adaptive-Metropolis (DRAM) algorithm is capable of
                  analyzing the statistical variability in the
                  measured data in various EIT experimental
                  designs. This leads to design a reliable device with
                  higher resolution images which is crucial in
                  medicine for diagnostic purposes. We first test the
                  validation of the presented nonlinear model and the
                  proposed inverse method using synthetic data on a
                  simple square computational domain with an
                  inclusion. Then we establish the new model and
                  robustness of the proposed inversion method in
                  solving the ill-posed and nonlinear EIT inverse
                  problem by presenting numerical results of the
                  corresponding forward and inverse problems on a
                  real-world application in medicine and
                  healthcare. The results include the extraction of
                  electrical properties of human leg tissues using
                  measurement data.},
  note = {Impact factor of CMAME: 6.756}
  author = {Leila Taghizadeh AND Ahmad Karimi AND Elisabeth Presterl AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {{Bayesian} inversion for a biofilm model including quorum sensing},
  journal = {Computers in Biology and Medicine},
  volume = 117,
  pages = {103582/1--11},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Taghizadeh2020Bayesian.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.103582},
  abstract = {We propose a mathematical model based on a system of partial
                  differential equations (PDEs) for biofilms. This
                  model describes the time evolution of growth and
                  degradation of biofilms which depend on
                  environmental factors. The proposed model also
                  includes quorum sensing (QS) and describes the
                  cooperation among bacteria when they need to resist
                  against external factors such as antibiotics. The
                  applications include biofilms on teeth and medical
                  implants, in drinking water, cooling water towers,
                  food processing, oil recovery, paper manufacturing,
                  and on ship hulls. We state existence and uniqueness
                  of solutions of the proposed model and implement the
                  mathematical model to discuss numerical simulations
                  of biofilm growth and cooperation. We also determine
                  the unknown parameters of the presented biofilm
                  model by solving the corresponding inverse
                  problem. To this end, we propose Bayesian inversion
                  techniques and the delayed-rejection
                  adaptive-Metropolis (DRAM) algorithm for the
                  simultaneous extraction of multiple parameters from
                  the measurements. These quantities cannot be
                  determined directly from the experiments or from the
                  computational model. Furthermore, we evaluate the
                  presented model by comparing the simulations using
                  the estimated parameter values with the measurement
                  data. The results illustrate a very good agreement
                  between the simulations and the measurements.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Computers in Biology and Medicine:} 4.589}
  author = {Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Mehdi Dehghan AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Analysis and application of the interpolating element free {Galerkin} ({IEFG}) method to simulate the prevention of groundwater contamination with application in fluid flow},
  journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
  volume = 368,
  pages = {112453/1--17},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Abbaszadeh2020analysis.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/},
  abstract = {We develop a meshless numerical procedure to simulate the
                  groundwater equation (GWE). The used technique is
                  based on the interpolating element free Galerkin
                  (IEFG) method. The interpolating moving least
                  squares (IMLS) approximation produces a set of
                  functions such that they are well-known as shape
                  functions. The IEFG technique employs the shape
                  functions of IMLS approximation. The shape functions
                  of IMLS approximation vanish on the boundary and
                  also they satisfy the property of the Kronecker
                  Delta function. Thus, Dirichlet boundary conditions
                  can be exactly imposed. In this paper, we check the
                  unconditional stability and convergence of the
                  proposed numerical scheme based on the energy
                  method. The numerical results confirm the
                  theoretical analysis.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics:} 2.621}
  author = {Benjamin Stadlbauer AND Gregor Mitscha-Baude AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Modeling single-molecule stochastic transport for {DNA} exo-sequencing in nanopore sensors},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  volume = 31,
  number = 7,
  pages = {075502/1--7},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Stadlbauer2020modeling.pdf},
  doi = {10.1088/1361-6528/ab513e},
  abstract = {We present a simulation framework for computing the
                  probability that a single molecule reaches the
                  recognition element in a nanopore sensor. The model
                  consists of the Langevin equation for the diffusive
                  motion of small particles driven by external forces
                  and the Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Stokes equations to
                  compute these forces. The model is applied to
                  examine DNA exo-sequencing in $\alpha$-hemolysin,
                  whose practicability depends on whether isolated DNA
                  monomers reliably migrate into the channel in their
                  correct order. We find that, at moderate voltage,
                  migration fails in the majority of trials if the
                  exonuclease which releases monomers is located
                  farther than 1 nm above the pore entry. However, by
                  tuning the pore to have a higher surface charge,
                  applying a high voltage of 1 V and ensuring the
                  exonuclease stays close to the channel, success
                  rates of over 95\% can be achieved.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Nanotechnology:} 3.874}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Benjamin Stadlbauer AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {{Bayesian} inversion for nanowire field-effect sensors},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 19,
  pages = {147-159},
  year = 2020,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2020Bayesian.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-019-01417-0},
  abstract = {Nanowire field-effect sensors have recently been developed
                  for label-free detection of biomolecules. In this
                  work, we introduce a computational technique based
                  on Bayesian estimation to determine the physical
                  parameters of the sensor and, more importantly, the
                  properties of the analyte molecules. To that end, we
                  first propose a PDE-based model to simulate the
                  device charge transport and electrochemical
                  behavior. Then, the adaptive Metropolis algorithm
                  with delayed rejection is applied to estimate the
                  posterior distribution of unknown parameters, namely
                  molecule charge density, molecule density, doping
                  concentration, and electron and hole mobilities. We
                  determine the device and molecules properties
                  simultaneously, and we also calculate the molecule
                  density as the only parameter after having
                  determined the device parameters. This approach
                  makes it possible not only to determine unknown
                  parameters, but it also shows how well each
                  parameter can be determined by yielding the
                  probability density function (pdf).},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Ervin K. Lenzi AND Luiz R. Evangelista AND Leila Taghizadeh AND Daniel Pasterk AND Rafael S. Zola AND Trifce Sandev AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Irina Petreska},
  title = {The reliability of {Poisson–Nernst–Planck} anomalous models for impedance spectroscopy},
  journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry~B},
  volume = 123,
  number = 37,
  pages = {7885-7892},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Lenzi2019reliability.pdf},
  doi = {10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b06263},
  abstract = {We investigate possible connections between two different
                  implementations of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP)
                  anomalous models used to analyze the electrical
                  response of electrolytic cells. One of them is built
                  in the framework of the fractional calculus and
                  considers integro-differential boundary conditions
                  also formulated by using fractional derivatives; the
                  other one is an extension of the standard PNP model
                  presented by Barsoukov and Macdonald, which can also
                  be related to equivalent circuits containing
                  constant phase elements (CPEs). Both extensions may
                  be related to an anomalous diffusion with
                  subdiffusive characteristics through the
                  electrical conductivity and are able to describe the
                  experimental data presented here. Furthermore, we
                  apply the Bayesian inversion method to extract the
                  parameter of interest in the analytical formulas of
                  impedance. To resolve the corresponding inverse
                  problem, we use the delayed-rejection
                  adaptive-Metropolis algorithm (DRAM) in the context
                  of Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms to
                  find the posterior distributions of the parameter
                  and the corresponding confidence intervals.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Physical Chemistry~B:} 2.991}
  author = {Leila Taghizadeh AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Existence and local uniqueness for the {Stokes}-{Nernst}-{Planck}-drift-diffusion-{Poisson} system modeling nanopore and nanowire sensors},
  journal = {Commun.\ Math.\ Sci.},
  volume = 17,
  number = 8,
  pages = {2089-2112},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Taghizadeh2019existence.pdf},
  doi = {10.4310/CMS.2019.v17.n8.a2},
  abstract = {This work gives analytical results for a system of transport
                  equations which is the underlying mathematical model
                  for nanopore sensors and for all types of
                  affinity-based nanowire sensors. This model consists
                  of the Poisson equation for the electrostatic
                  potential ensuring self-consistency and including
                  interface conditions stemming from a homogenized
                  boundary layer, the drift-diffusion equations
                  describing the transport of charge carriers in the
                  sensor, the Nernst–Planck equations describing the
                  transport of ions, and the Stokes equations
                  describing the flow of the background medium
                  water. We present existence and local uniqueness
                  theorems for this stationary, nonlinear, and fully
                  coupled system. The existence proof is based on the
                  Schauder fixed-point theorem and local uniqueness
                  around equilibrium is obtained from the
                  implicit-function theorem. The maximum principle is
                  used to obtain a priori estimates for the
                  solution. Due to the multiscale problem inherent in
                  affinity-based field-effect sensors, a homogenized
                  equation for the potential with interface conditions
                  at a surface is used.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Commun.\ Math.\ Sci.:} 0.858}
  author = {Boaz Blankrot AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Efficient computational design and optimization of dielectric metamaterial structures},
  journal = {IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques},
  volume = 4,
  number = 1,
  pages = {234-244},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Blankrot2019efficient.pdf},
  doi = {10.1109/JMMCT.2019.2950569},
  abstract = {Dielectric structures composed of many inclusions that
                  manipulate light in ways the bulk materials cannot
                  are commonly seen in the field of metamaterials. In
                  these structures, each inclusion depends on a set of
                  parameters such as size and orientation, which are
                  difficult to ascertain. We propose and implement an
                  optimization-based approach for designing such
                  metamaterials in two dimensions by using a fast
                  boundary element method and a multiple-scattering
                  solver for a given set of parameters. This approach
                  provides the backbone of an automated process for
                  the design and analysis of metamaterials that does
                  not rely on analytical approximations. We
                  demonstrate the validity of our approach with
                  simulations that converge to optimal parameter
                  values and result in substantially better
  author = {Benjamin Stadlbauer AND Andrea Cossettini AND Jose Morales Escalante AND Paolo Scarbolo AND Leila Taghizadeh AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Luca Selmi},
  title = {{Bayesian} estimation of physical and geometrical parameters for nanocapacitor array biosensors},
  journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
  volume = 397,
  pages = {108874/1--19},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Stadlbauer2019Bayesian.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/},
  abstract = {Massively parallel nanosensor arrays fabricated with
                  low-cost CMOS technology represent powerful
                  platforms for biosensing in the Internet-of-Things
                  (IoT) and Internet-of-Health (IoH) era. They can
                  efficiently acquire “big data” sets of dependable
                  calibrated measurements, representing a solid basis
                  for statistical analysis and parameter estimation.
                  In this paper we propose Bayesian estimation methods
                  to extract physical parameters and interpret the
                  statistical variability in the measured outputs of a
                  dense nanocapacitor array biosensor. Firstly, the
                  physical and mathematical models are
                  presented. Then, a simple 1D-symmetry structure is
                  used as a validation test case where the estimated
                  parameters are also known a-priori. Finally, we
                  apply the methodology to the simultaneous extraction
                  of multiple physical and geometrical parameters from
                  measurements on a CMOS pixelated nanocapacitor
                  biosensor platform.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Computational Physics:} 3.553}
  author = {Samaneh Mirsian AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Marjan Hedayati AND Ali Manzour-ol-Ajdad AND Reza Kalantarinejad AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {A new method for selective functionalization of silicon nanowire sensors and {Bayesian} inversion for its parameters},
  journal = {Biosensors and Bioelectronics},
  volume = 142,
  pages = {111527/1--8},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Mirsian2019new.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.bios.2019.111527},
  abstract = {In this work, a modification procedure for the
                  functionalization of silicon nanowire (SiNW) is
                  applied in biological field effect transistor
                  (BioFET) system. The proposed method precedes the
                  silanization reaction in a manner that the only SiNW
                  and not its substrate is functionalized by
                  (3-Aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES)
                  initiators. This method has an effective role in
                  increasing the sensitivity of BioFET sensors and can
                  be applied in commercial ones. Furthermore, we
                  introduce an efficient computational technique to
                  estimate unknown senor parameters. To that end,
                  Bayesian inversion is used to determine the number
                  of PSA target molecules bound to the receptors in
                  both selective and nonselective SiNWs. The approach
                  is coupled with the
                  Poisson-Boltzmann-drift-diffusion (PBDD) equations
                  to provide a comprehensive system to model all
                  biosensor interactions.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Biosensors and Bioelectronics:} 9.518}
  author = {Mehdi Dehghan AND Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {{Galerkin} proper orthogonal decomposition reduced order method ({POD-ROM}) for solving the generalized {Swift}-{Hohenberg} equation},
  journal = {International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow},
  volume = 29,
  number = 8,
  pages = {2642-2665},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Dehghan2019Galerkin.pdf},
  doi = {10.1108/HFF-11-2018-0647},
  abstract = {Purpose -- The current paper aims to develop a reduced order
                  discontinuous Galerkin method for solving the
                  generalized Swift–Hohenberg equation with
                  application in biological science and mechanical
                  engineering. The generalized Swift–Hohenberg
                  equation is a fourth-order PDE; thus, this paper
                  uses the local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) method
                  for it.  Design/methodology/approach -- At first,
                  the spatial direction has been discretized by the
                  LDG technique, as this process results in a
                  nonlinear system of equations based on the time
                  variable. Thus, to achieve more accurate outcomes,
                  this paper uses an exponential time differencing
                  scheme for solving the obtained system of ordinary
                  differential equations. Finally, to decrease the
                  used CPU time, this study combines the proper
                  orthogonal decomposition approach with the LDG
                  method and obtains a reduced order LDG method. The
                  circular and rectangular computational domains have
                  been selected to solve the generalized
                  Swift–Hohenberg equation. Furthermore, the energy
                  stability for the semi-discrete LDG scheme has been
                  discussed.  Findings -- The results show that the
                  new numerical procedure has not only suitable and
                  acceptable accuracy but also less computational cost
                  compared to the local DG without the proper
                  orthogonal decomposition (POD) approach.
                  Originality/value -- The local DG technique is an
                  efficient numerical procedure for solving models in
                  the fluid flow. The current paper combines the POD
                  approach and the local LDG technique to solve the
                  generalized Swift–Hohenberg equation with
                  application in the fluid mechanics. In the new
                  technique, the computational cost and the used CPU
                  time of the local DG have been reduced.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow:} 4.17}
  author = {Boaz Blankrot AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Design of aperiodic demultiplexers and optical diodes by optimizing photonic crystals},
  journal = {OSA Continuum},
  volume = 2,
  number = 7,
  pages = {2244-2252},
  month = jul,
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Blankrot2019design.pdf},
  doi = {10.1364/OSAC.2.002244},
  abstract = {We apply a previously developed approach for the automated
                  design of optical structures to two cases. This
                  approach reduces the basis of the electromagnetic
                  system to obtain fast gradient-based
                  optimization. In the first case, an existing
                  photonic crystal demultiplexer is optimized for
                  higher power transmission and lower crosstalk. In
                  the second, new optical diodes for plane- and
                  cylindrical-wave incidence are designed using a
                  photonic crystal as a starting point. Highly
                  efficient and aperiodic devices are obtained in all
                  cases. These results indicate that aperiodic devices
                  produced by this automated design method can
                  outperform their analytically-obtained counterparts
                  and encourage its application to other photonic
                  crystal-based devices.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{OSA Continuum:} 1.864}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Maryam Parvizi AND Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Mehdi Dehghan AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {A multilevel {Monte Carlo} finite element method for the stochastic {Cahn-Hilliard-Cook} equation},
  journal = {Computational Mechanics},
  volume = 64,
  number = 4,
  pages = {937-949},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2019multilevel.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s00466-019-01688-1},
  abstract = {In this paper, we employ the multilevel Monte Carlo finite
                  element method to solve the stochastic
                  Cahn–Hilliard–Cook equation. The Ciarlet–Raviart
                  mixed finite element method is applied to solve the
                  fourth-order equation. In order to estimate the mild
                  solution, we use finite elements for space
                  discretization and the semi-implicit Euler–Maruyama
                  method in time. For the stochastic scheme, we use
                  the multilevel method to decrease the computational
                  cost (compared to the Monte Carlo method). We
                  implement the method to solve three specific
                  numerical examples (both two- and three dimensional)
                  and study the effect of different noise measures.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Computational Mechanics:} 4.014}
  author = {Mostafa Abbaszadeh AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Maryam Parvizi AND Mehdi Dehghan AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {A direct meshless local collocation method for solving stochastic {Cahn-Hilliard-Cook} and stochastic {Swift-Hohenberg} equations},
  journal = {Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements},
  volume = 98,
  pages = {253-264},
  year = 2019,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Abbaszadeh2019direct.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.enganabound.2018.10.021},
  abstract = {In this study, the direct meshless local Petrov–Galerkin
                  (DMLPG) method has been employed to solve the
                  stochastic Cahn–Hilliard–Cook and Swift–Hohenberg
                  equations. First of all, we discretize the temporal
                  direction by a finite difference scheme. In order to
                  obtain a fully discrete scheme the direct meshless
                  local collocation method is used to discretize the
                  spatial variable and the Euler–Maruyama method is
                  used for time discretization. The used method is a
                  truly meshless technique. In order to illustrate the
                  efficiency and accuracy of the explained numerical
                  technique, we study two stochastic models with their
                  applications in biology and engineering, i.e., the
                  stochastic Cahn–Hilliard–Cook equation and a
                  stochastic Swift–Hohenberg model.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements:} 2.964}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Michael Leumüller AND Gudmund Pammer and Stefan Rigger},
  title = {Existence, uniqueness, and a comparison of two non-intrusive methods for the stochastic nonlinear {Poisson-Boltzmann} equation},
  journal = {SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification},
  volume = 6,
  number = 3,
  pages = {1019-1042},
  year = 2018,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2018existence.pdf},
  doi = {10.1137/17M1127375},
  abstract = {The stochastic nonlinear Poisson–Boltzmann equation
                  describes the electrostatic potential in a random
                  environment in the presence of free charges and has
                  applications in many fields. We show the existence
                  and uniqueness of the solution of this nonlinear
                  model equation and investigate its regularity with
                  respect to a random parameter. Three popular
                  nonintrusive methods, a stochastic Galerkin method,
                  a discrete projection method, and a collocation
                  method, are presented for its numerical solution. It
                  is nonintrusive in the sense that solvers and
                  preconditioners for the deterministic equation can
                  be reused as they are. By comparing these methods,
                  it is found that the stochastic Galerkin method and
                  the discrete projection method require comparable
                  computational effort and our results suggest that
                  they outperform the collocation method.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification:} 2.179}
  author = {Boaz Blankrot AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {{ParticleScattering}: solving and optimizing multiple-scattering problems in {Julia}},
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
  volume = 3,
  number = 25,
  pages = {691/1--3},
  month = may,
  year = 2018,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Blankrot2018ParticleScattering.pdf},
  doi = {10.21105/joss.00691},
  abstract = {ParticleScattering is a Julia (Bezanson et al.\ 2017) package
                  for computing the electromagnetic fields scattered
                  by a large number of two-dimensional particles, as
                  well as optimizing particle parameters for various
                  applications. Such problems naturally arise in the
                  design and analysis of metamaterials, including
                  photonic crystals (Jahani and Jacob 2016). Unlike
                  most solvers for these problems, ours does not
                  require a periodic structure and is scalable to a
                  large number of particles. In particular, this
                  software is designed for scattering problems
                  involving TM plane waves impinging on a collection
                  of homogeneous dielectric particles with arbitrary
                  smooth shapes. Our code performs especially well
                  when the number of particles is substantially larger
                  than the number of distinct shapes, where particles
                  are considered indistinct if they are identical up
                  to rotation.}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Leila Taghizadeh AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Three-dimensional optimal multi-level {Monte-Carlo} approximation of the stochastic drift-diffusion-{Poisson} system in nanoscale devices},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 17,
  number = 1,
  pages = {76-89},
  month = mar,
  year = 2018,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2018three-dimensional.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-017-1118-0},
  abstract = {The three-dimensional stochastic drift-diffusion-Poisson
                  system is used to model charge transport through
                  nanoscale devices in a random
                  environment. Applications include nanoscale
                  transistors and sensors such as nanowire
                  field-effect bio- and gas sensors. Variations
                  between the devices and uncertainty in the response
                  of the devices arise from the random distributions
                  of dopant atoms, from the diffusion of target
                  molecules near the sensor surface, and from the
                  stochastic association and dissociation processes at
                  the sensor surface. Furthermore, we couple the
                  system of stochastic partial differential equations
                  to a random-walk-based model for the association and
                  dissociation of target molecules. In order to make
                  the computational effort tractable, an optimal
                  multi-level Monte–Carlo method is applied to
                  three-dimensional solutions of the deterministic
                  system. The whole algorithm is optimal in the sense
                  that the total computational cost is minimized for
                  prescribed total errors. This comprehensive and
                  efficient model makes it possible to study the
                  effect of design parameters such as applied voltages
                  and the geometry of the devices on the expected
                  value of the current.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Gudmund Pammer AND Stefan Rigger},
  title = {Cubature formulas for multisymmetric functions and applications to stochastic partial differential equations},
  journal = {SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification},
  volume = 6,
  number = 1,
  pages = {213-242},
  year = 2018,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2018cubature.pdf},
  doi = {10.1137/17M1125418},
  abstract = {The numerical solution of stochastic partial differential
                  equations and numerical Bayesian estimation is
                  computationally demanding. If the coefficients in a
                  stochastic partial differential equation exhibit
                  symmetries, they can be exploited to reduce the
                  computational effort. To do so, we show that
                  permutation-invariant functions can be approximated
                  by permutation-invariant polynomials in the space of
                  continuous functions as well as in the space of
                  $p$-integrable functions defined on $[0, 1]^s$ for
                  $1 \le p < \infty$. We proceed to develop a
                  numerical strategy to compute cubature formulas that
                  exploit permutation-invariance properties related to
                  multisymmetry groups in order to reduce
                  computational work. We show that in a certain sense
                  there is no curse of dimensionality if we restrict
                  ourselves to multisymmetric functions, and we
                  provide error bounds for formulas of this
                  type. Finally, we present numerical results,
                  comparing the proposed formulas to other integration
                  techniques that are frequently applied to
                  high-dimensional problems such as quasi-Monte Carlo
                  rules and sparse grids.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification:} 2.179}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Leila Taghizadeh AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Optimal multilevel randomized quasi-{Monte-Carlo} method for the stochastic drift-diffusion-{Poisson} system},
  journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME)},
  volume = 329,
  pages = {480-497},
  month = feb,
  year = 2018,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2018optimal.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2017.10.015},
  abstract = {In this paper, an optimal multilevel randomized
                  quasi-Monte-Carlo method to solve the stationary
                  stochastic drift–diffusion-Poisson system is
                  developed. We calculate the optimal values of the
                  parameters of the numerical method such as the mesh
                  sizes of the spatial discretization and the numbers
                  of quasi-points in order to minimize the overall
                  computational cost for solving this system of
                  stochastic partial differential equations. This
                  system has a number of applications in various
                  fields, wherever charged particles move in a random
                  environment. It is shown that the computational cost
                  of the optimal multilevel randomized
                  quasi-Monte-Carlo method, which uses randomly
                  shifted low-discrepancy sequences, is one order of
                  magnitude smaller than that of the optimal
                  multilevel Monte-Carlo method and five orders of
                  magnitude smaller than that of the standard
                  Monte-Carlo method. The method developed here is
                  applied to a realistic transport problem, namely the
                  calculation of random-dopant effects in nanoscale
                  field-effect transistors.},
  note = {Impact factor of CMAME: 6.756}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Leila Taghizadeh},
  title = {Analysis of the drift-diffusion-{Poisson}-{Boltzmann} system for nanowire and nanopore sensors in the alternating-current regime},
  journal = {Commun.\ Math.\ Sci.},
  volume = 15,
  number = 8,
  pages = {2303-2325},
  year = 2017,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2017analysis.pdf},
  doi = {10.4310/CMS.2017.v15.n8.a8},
  abstract = {The basic analytical properties of the
                  drift-diffusion-Poisson-Boltzmann system in the
                  alternating-current (AC) regime are shown. The
                  analysis of the AC case differs from the
                  direct-current (DC) case and is based on extending
                  the transport model to the frequency domain and
                  writing the variables as periodic functions of the
                  frequency in a small-signal approximation. We first
                  present the DC and AC model equations to describe
                  the three types of material in nanowire field-effect
                  sensors: The drift-diffusion-Poisson system holds in
                  the semiconductor, the Poisson-Boltzmann equation
                  holds in the electrolyte, and the Poisson equation
                  provides self-consistency. Then the AC model
                  equations are derived. Finally, existence and local
                  uniqueness of the solution of the AC model equations
                  are shown. Real-world applications include nanowire
                  field-effect bio- and gas sensors operating in the
                  AC regime, which were only demonstrated
                  experimentally recently. Furthermore, nanopore
                  sensors are governed by the system of model
                  equations and the analysis as well.}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Kiarash Hosseini AND Ali Manzour-ol-Ajdad AND Marjan Hedayati AND Reza Kalantarinejad AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Optimal design of nanowire field-effect troponin sensors},
  journal = {Computers in Biology and Medicine},
  volume = 87,
  pages = {46-56},
  month = aug,
  year = 2017,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2017optimal.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.compbiomed.2017.05.008},
  abstract = {We propose a design strategy for affinity-based biosensors
                  using nanowires for sensing and measuring biomarker
                  concentration in biological samples. Such sensors
                  have been shown to have superior properties compared
                  to conventional biosensors in terms of LOD (limit of
                  detection), response time, cost, and size. However,
                  there are several parameters affecting the
                  performance of such devices that must be
                  determined. In order to solve the design problem, we
                  have developed a comprehensive model based on
                  stochastic transport equations that makes it
                  possible to optimize the sensing behavior.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Computers in Biology and Medicine:} 4.589}
  author = {Gregor Mitscha-Baude AND Andreas Buttinger-Kreuzhuber AND Gerhard Tulzer AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Adaptive and iterative methods for simulations of nanopores with the {PNP}--{Stokes} equations},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Phys.},
  volume = 338,
  pages = {452-476},
  month = jun,
  year = 2017,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Mitscha-Baude2017adaptive.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/},
  abstract = {We present a 3D finite element solver for the nonlinear
                  Poisson--Nernst--Planck (PNP) equations for
                  electrodiffusion, coupled to the Stokes system of
                  fluid dynamics. The model serves as a building block
                  for the simulation of macromolecule dynamics inside
                  nanopore sensors. The source code is released online
                  at  We add to
                  existing numerical approaches by deploying
                  goal-oriented adaptive mesh refinement. To reduce
                  the computation overhead of mesh adaptivity, our
                  error estimator uses the much cheaper
                  Poisson--Boltzmann equation as a simplified model,
                  which is justified on heuristic grounds but shown to
                  work well in practice. To address the nonlinearity
                  in the full PNP–Stokes system, three different
                  linearization schemes are proposed and investigated,
                  with two segregated iterative approaches both
                  outperforming a naive application of Newton’s
                  method. Numerical experiments are reported on a
                  real-world nanopore sensor geometry.  We also
                  investigate two different models for the interaction
                  of target molecules with the nanopore sensor through
                  the PNP--Stokes equations. In one model, the
                  molecule is of finite size and is explicitly built
                  into the geometry; while in the other, the molecule
                  is located at a single point and only modeled
                  implicitly -- after solution of the system -- which
                  is computationally favorable. We compare the
                  resulting force profiles of the electric and
                  velocity fields acting on the molecule, and conclude
                  that the point-size model fails to capture important
                  physical effects such as the dependence of charge
                  selectivity of the sensor on the molecule radius.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Computational Physics:} 3.553}
  author = {Leila Taghizadeh AND Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {The optimal multilevel {Monte-Carlo} approximation of the stochastic drift-diffusion-{Poisson} system},
  journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME)},
  volume = 318,
  pages = {739-761},
  year = 2017,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Taghizadeh2017optimal.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2017.02.014},
  abstract = {Existence and local-uniqueness theorems for weak solutions
                  of a system consisting of the
                  drift-diffusion-Poisson equations and the
                  Poisson-Boltzmann equation, all with stochastic
                  coefficients, are presented. For the numerical
                  approximation of the expected value of the solution
                  of the system, we develop a multi-level Monte-Carlo
                  (MLMC) finite-element method (FEM) and we analyze
                  its rate of convergence and its computational
                  complexity. This allows to find the optimal choice
                  of discretization parameters. Finally, numerical
                  results show the efficiency of the method.
                  Applications are, among others, noise and
                  fluctuations in nanoscale transistors, in
                  field-effect bio- and gas sensors, and in
  note = {Impact factor of CMAME: 6.756}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Basis adaptation for the stochastic nonlinear {Poisson}-{Boltzmann} equation},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 15,
  number = 4,
  pages = {1393-1406},
  year = 2016,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2016basis.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-016-0922-2},
  abstract = {A basis-adaptation method based on polynomial chaos
                  expansion is used for the stochastic nonlinear
                  Poisson–Boltzmann equation. The uncertainty in this
                  numerical approach is motivated by the
                  quantification of noise and fluctuations in
                  nanoscale field-effect sensors. The method used here
                  takes advantage of the properties of the nonlinear
                  Poisson–Boltzmann equation and shows an exact and
                  efficient approximation of the real
                  solution. Numerical examples are motivated by the
                  quantification of noise and fluctuations in nanowire
                  field-effect sensors as a concrete example. Basis
                  adaptation is validated by comparison with the full
                  solution, and it is compared to optimized
                  multi-level Monte-Carlo method, and the model
                  equations are validated by comparison with
                  experiments. Finally, various design parameters of
                  the field-effect sensors are investigated in order
                  to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Caroline Geiersbach AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Gerhard Tulzer},
  title = {Optimal approximation of the first-order corrector in multiscale stochastic elliptic {PDE}},
  journal = {SIAM/ASA J.\ Uncertainty Quantification},
  volume = 4,
  number = 1,
  pages = {1246-1262},
  year = 2016,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Geiersbach2016optimal.pdf},
  doi = {10.1137/16M106011X},
  abstract = {This work addresses the development of an optimal
                  computational scheme for the approximation of the
                  first-order corrector arising in the stochastic
                  homogenization of linear elliptic PDEs in divergence
                  form. Equations of this type describe, for example,
                  diffusion phenomena in materials with a
                  heterogeneous microstructure, but require enormous
                  computational efforts in order to obtain reliable
                  results. We derive an optimization problem for the
                  needed computational work with a given error
                  tolerance, then extract the governing parameters
                  from numerical experiments, and finally solve the
                  obtained optimization problem. The numerical
                  approach investigated here is a stochastic sampling
                  scheme for the probability space connected with a
                  finite-element method for the discretization of the
                  physical space.}
  author = {Martin Hermann Bernardi AND Daniel Schmidlin AND Robin Ristl AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Arno Schiferer AND Thomas Neugebauer AND Thomas Wrba AND Michael Hiesmayr AND Wilfred Druml AND Andrea Lassnigg},
  title = {Serum creatinine back-estimation in cardiac surgery patients: misclassification of {AKI} using existing formulae and a data-driven model},
  journal = {Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (CJASN)},
  volume = 11,
  number = 3,
  pages = {395-404},
  year = 2016,
  pdf = {Papers/Bernardi2016serum.pdf},
  doi = {10.2215/CJN.03560315},
  note = {2014 impact factor of CJASN: 4.613.  This publication was
                  awarded the Science Price 2017 by ÖGARI (Austrian
                  Society for Anesthesiology, Reanimation, and
                  Intensive Medicine)},
  abstract = {Conclusions:
                  bSCr values back-estimated using currently available
                  eGFR formulae are inaccurate and cannot correctly
                  classify AKI stages. Our model eSCr improves the
                  prediction of AKI but to a still inadequate extent.}
  author = {Gerhard Tulzer AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Brownian-motion based simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion systems for affinity based sensors},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  volume = 27,
  number = 16,
  pages = {165501/1--9},
  year = 2016,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Tulzer2016Brownian-motion.pdf},
  doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/27/16/165501},
  abstract = {In this work, we develop a 2D algorithm for stochastic
                  reaction-diffusion systems describing the binding
                  and unbinding of target molecules at the surfaces of
                  affinity-based sensors. In particular, we simulate
                  the detection of DNA oligomers using
                  silicon-nanowire field-effect biosensors. Since
                  these devices are uniform along the nanowire, two
                  dimensions are sufficient to capture the kinetic
                  effects features. The model combines a stochastic
                  ordinary differential equation for the binding and
                  unbinding of target molecules as well as a diffusion
                  equation for their transport in the liquid. A
                  Brownian-motion based algorithm simulates the
                  diffusion process, which is linked to a
                  stochastic-simulation algorithm for association at
                  and dissociation from the surface. The simulation
                  data show that the shape of the cross section of the
                  sensor yields areas with significantly different
                  target-molecule coverage. Different initial
                  conditions are investigated as well in order to aid
                  rational sensor design. A comparison of the
                  association/hybridization behavior for different
                  receptor densities allows optimization of the
                  functionalization setup depending on the
                  target-molecule density.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Nanotechnology:} 3.874}
  author = {Amirreza Khodadadian AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {A transport equation for confined structures applied to the {OprP}, {Gramicidin~A}, and {KcsA} channels},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 14,
  number = 2,
  pages = {524-532},
  year = 2015,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Khodadadian2015transport.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-015-0680-6},
  abstract = {A transport equation for confined structures is used to
                  calculate the ionic currents through various
                  transmembrane proteins.  The transport equation is a
                  diffusion-type equation where the concentration of
                  the particles depends on the one-dimensional
                  position in the confined structure and on the local
                  energy.  The computational significance of this
                  continuum model is that the $(6+1)$-dimensional
                  Boltzmann equation is reduced to a
                  $(2+1)$-dimensional diffusion-type equation that can
                  be solved with small computational effort so that
                  ionic currents through confined structures can be
                  calculated quickly.  The applications here are three
                  channels, namely OprP, Gramicidin~A, and KcsA. In
                  each case, the confinement potential is estimated
                  from the known molecular structure of the channel.
                  Then the confinement potentials are used to
                  calculate ionic currents and to study the effect of
                  parameters such as the potential of mean force, the
                  ionic bath concentration, and the applied voltage.
                  The simulated currents are compared with
                  measurements, and very good agreement is found in
                  each case.  Finally, virtual potassium channels with
                  selectivity filters of varying length are simulated
                  in order to discuss the optimality of the filter.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Gerhard Tulzer AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Fluctuations due to association and dissociation processes at nanowire-biosensor surfaces and their optimal design},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  volume = 26,
  number = 2,
  pages = {025502/1--9},
  year = 2015,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Tulzer2015fluctuations.pdf},
  doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/26/2/025502},
  abstract = {In this work, we calculate the effect of the binding and
                  unbinding of molecules at the surface of a nanowire
                  biosensor on the signal-to-noise ratio of the
                  sensor. We model the fluctuations induced by
                  association and dissociation of target molecules by
                  a stochastic differential equation and extend this
                  approach to a coupled diffusion-reaction
                  system. Where possible, analytic solutions for the
                  signal-to-noise ratio are given. Stochastic
                  simulations are performed wherever closed forms of
                  the solutions cannot be derived. Starting from
                  parameters obtained from experimental data, we
                  simulate DNA hybridization at the sensor surface for
                  different target molecule concentrations in order to
                  optimize the sensor design.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Nanotechnology:} 3.874}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {Hierarchies of transport equations for nanopores -- Equations derived from the {Boltzmann} equation and the modeling of confined structures},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 13,
  number = 4,
  pages = {801-817},
  year = 2014,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2014hierarchies.pdf},
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-014-0586-8},
  abstract = {We review transport equations and their usage for the
                  modeling and simulation of nanopores.  First, the
                  significance of nanopores and the experimental
                  progress in this area are summarized. Then the
                  starting point of all classical and semiclassical
                  considerations is the Boltzmann transport equation
                  as the most general transport equation. The
                  derivation of the drift-diffusion equations from the
                  Boltzmann equation is reviewed as well as the
                  derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Nanopores
                  can also be viewed as a special case of a confined
                  structure and hence as giving rise to a multiscale
                  problem, and therefore we review the derivation of a
                  transport equation from the Boltzmann equation for
                  such confined structures. Finally, the state of the
                  art in the simulation of nanopores is summarized.},
  note = {\textit{Invited review paper.}  Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {Multiscale Modeling of Fluctuations in Stochastic Elliptic {PDE} Models of Nanosensors},
  journal = {Commun.\ Math.\ Sci.},
  volume = 12,
  number = 3,
  pages = {401-421},
  year = 2014,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2014multiscale.pdf},
  doi = {10.4310/CMS.2014.v12.n3.a1},
  abstract = {In this work, the multiscale problem of modeling
                  fluctuations in boundary layers in stochastic
                  elliptic partial differential equations is solved by
                  homogenization.  A homogenized equation for the
                  covariance of the solution of stochastic elliptic
                  PDEs is derived.  In addition to the homogenized
                  equation, a rate for the covariance and variance as
                  the cell size tends to zero is given.  For the
                  homogenized problem, an existence and uniqueness
                  result and further properties are shown.  The
                  multiscale problem stems from the modeling of the
                  electrostatics in nanoscale field-effect sensors,
                  where the fluctuations arise from random charge
                  concentrations in the cells of a boundary layer.
                  Finally, numerical results and a numerical
                  verification are presented.}
  author = {Daniel Brinkman AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Peter Markowich},
  title = {A convergent {2D} finite-difference scheme for the {Dirac}-{Poisson} system with magnetic potential and the simulation of graphene},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Phys.},
  volume = {257A},
  pages = {318-332},
  year = 2014,
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1016/},
  abstract = {We present a convergent finite-difference scheme of second
                  order in both space and time for the 2D
                  electromagnetic Dirac equation.  We apply this
                  method in the self-consistent Dirac-Poisson system
                  to the simulation of graphene.  The model is
                  justified for low energies, where the particles have
                  wave vectors sufficiently close to the Dirac points.
                  In particular, we demonstrate that our method can be
                  used to calculate solutions of the Dirac-Poisson
                  system where potentials act as beam-splitters or
                  Veselago lenses.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Computational Physics:} 3.553}
  author = {Gerhard Tulzer AND Stefan Baumgartner AND Elise Brunet AND Giorgio C. Mutinati AND Stephan Steinhauer AND Anton Köck AND Paolo E. Barbano AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Kinetic Parameter Estimation and Fluctuation Analysis of {CO} at {SnO$_2$} Single Nanowires},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  volume = 24,
  number = 31,
  pages = {315501/1--10},
  month = aug,
  year = 2013,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Tulzer2013kinetic.pdf},
  doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/24/31/315501},
  abstract = {In this work, we present calculated numerical values for the
                  kinetic parameters governing adsorption/desorption
                  processes of carbon monoxide at tin dioxide
                  single-nanowire gas sensors.  The response of such
                  sensors to pulses of 50ppm carbon monoxide in
                  nitrogen is investigated at different temperatures
                  to extract the desired information.  A rate-equation
                  approach is used to model the reaction kinetics,
                  which results in the problem of determining
                  coefficients in a coupled system of nonlinear
                  ordinary differential equations.  The numerical
                  values are computed by inverse-modeling techniques
                  and are then used to simulate the sensor response.
                  With our model, the dynamic response of the sensor
                  due to the gas–surface interaction can be studied in
                  order to find the optimal setup for detection, which
                  is an important step towards selectivity of these
                  devices.  We additionally investigate the noise in
                  the current through the nanowire and its changes due
                  to the presence of carbon monoxide in the sensor
                  environment.  Here, we propose the use of a wavelet
                  transform to decompose the signal and analyze the
                  noise in the experimental data.  This method
                  indicates that some fluctuations are specific for
                  the gas species investigated here.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Nanotechnology:} 3.874}
  author = {Stefan Baumgartner AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {A one-level {FETI} method for the drift-diffusion-{Poisson} system with discontinuities at an interface},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Phys.},
  volume = 243,
  pages = {74-86},
  month = jun,
  year = 2013,
  doi = {10.1016/},
  url = {},
  abstract = {A 3d FETI method for the drift-diffusion-Poisson system
                  including discontinuities at a 2d interface is
                  developed.  The motivation for this work is to
                  provide a parallel numerical algorithm for a system
                  of PDEs that are the basic model equations for the
                  simulation of semiconductor devices such as
                  transistors and sensors.  Moreover, discontinuities
                  or jumps in the potential and its normal derivative
                  at a 2d surface are included for the simulation of
                  nanowire sensors based on a homogenized model.
                  Using the FETI method, these jump conditions can be
                  included with the usual numerical properties and the
                  original Farhat-Roux FETI method is extended to the
                  drift-diffusion-Poisson equations including
                  discontinuities.  We show two numerical
                  examples. The first example verifies the correct
                  implementation including the discontinuities on a 2d
                  grid divided into eight subdomains.  The second
                  example is 3d and shows the application of the
                  algorithm to the simulation of nanowire sensors with
                  high aspect ratios.  The Poisson-Boltzmann equation
                  and the drift-diffusion-Poisson system with jump
                  conditions are solved on a 3d grid with real-world
                  boundary conditions.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Journal of Computational Physics:} 3.553}
  author = {Stefan Baumgartner AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Aleksandar Vacic AND Mark A. Reed},
  title = {Predictive Simulations and Optimization of Nanowire Field-Effect {PSA} Sensors Including Screening},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  volume = 24,
  number = 22,
  pages = {225503/1--9},
  month = jun,
  year = 2013,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Baumgartner2013predictive.pdf},
  doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/24/22/225503},
  abstract = {We apply our self-consistent PDE model for the electrical
                  response of field-effect sensors to the 3D
                  simulation of nanowire PSA (prostate-specific
                  antigen) sensors.  The charge concentration in the
                  biofunctionalized boundary layer at the
                  semiconductor-electrolyte interface is calculated
                  using the PROPKA algorithm, and the screening of the
                  biomolecules by the free ions in the liquid is
                  modeled by a sensitivity factor.  This comprehensive
                  approach yields excellent agreement with
                  experimental current-voltage characteristics without
                  any fitting parameters.  Having verified the
                  numerical model in this manner, we study the
                  sensitivity of nanowire PSA sensors by changing
                  device parameters, making it possible to optimize
                  the devices and revealing the attributes of the
                  optimal field-effect sensor.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Nanotechnology:} 3.874}
  author = {Gerhard Tulzer AND Stefan Baumgartner AND Elise Brunet AND Giorgio C. Mutinati AND Stephan Steinhauer AND Anton Köck AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Inverse modeling of {CO} reactions at {SnO$_2$} nanowire surfaces for selective detection},
  journal = {Procedia Engineering},
  volume = 47,
  pages = {809-812},
  year = 2012,
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.270},
  pdf = {Papers/Tulzer2012inverse.pdf},
  abstract = {Nanowire gas sensors show high sensitivity towards various
                  gases and offer great potential to improve present
                  gas sensing. In this work, we investigate
                  experimental results achieved with an undoped single
                  SnO$_2$ nanowire sensor device for CO pulses in N$_2$
                  atmosphere at different operating temperatures. We
                  calculated the reaction parameters according to the
                  mass action law including frequency factors,
                  activation energies, and numbers of intrinsic as
                  well as extrinsic surface sites. With the values
                  obtained, we then calculated the surface charge of
                  the nanowire sensor by solving the corresponding
                  differential equations. The simulated results agree
                  very well with the experimental values at an
                  operating temperature of 200°C and hence provide
                  good understanding of the chemical reaction. This
                  can be used to simulate the current through the
                  transducer and consequently the sensitivity of the
                  device, and the parameters provided here are useful
                  for computational procedures to provide
  author = {Stefan Baumgartner AND Martin Vasicek AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Modeling and Simulation of Nanowire Based Field-Effect Biosensors},
  booktitle = {Chemical Sensors: Simulation and Modeling.  Volume 2: Conductometric-Type Sensors},
  pages = {447-469},
  year = 2012,
  editor = {G. Korotcenkov},
  publisher = {Momentum Press},
  doi = {10.5643/9781606503140/ch12},
  pdf = {Papers/baumgartner2012modeling.pdf},
  abstract = {A book chapter.  Contents:\\ 1. Introduction\\
                  2. Homogenization\\ 3. The biofunctionalized
                  boundary layer\\ 4. The current through the nanowire
                  transducer\\ 5. Summary}
  author = {Manuel Punzet AND Dieter Baurecht AND Franz Varga AND Heidrun Karlic AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Determination of surface concentrations of individual molecule-layers used in nanoscale biosensors by in-situ {ATR-FTIR} spectroscopy},
  journal = {Nanoscale},
  volume = 4,
  number = 7,
  pages = {2431-2438},
  year = 2012,
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1039/C2NR12038K},
  pdf = {Papers/Punzet2012determination.pdf},
  abstract = {For the development of nanowire sensors for chemical and
                  medical detection purposes, the optimal
                  functionalization of the surface is a mandatory
                  component. Quantitative ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was
                  used in-situ to investigate the step-by-step layer
                  formation of typical functionalization protocols and
                  to determine the respective molecule surface
                  concentrations. BSA, anti-TNF-$\alpha$ and anti-PSA
                  antibodies were bound via 3-(trimethoxy)butylsilyl
                  aldehyde linkers to silicon-oxide surfaces in order
                  to investigate surface functionalization of
                  nanowires. Maximum determined surface concentrations
                  were $7.17\times 10^{-13}$ mol cm$^{-2}$ for BSA,
                  $1.7\times 10^{-13}$ mol cm$^{-2}$ for
                  anti-TNF-$\alpha$ antibody, $6.1\times 10^{-13}$ mol
                  cm$^{-2}$ for anti-PSA antibody, $3.88\times 10^{-13}$
                  mol cm$^{-2}$ for TNF-$\alpha$ and
                  $7.0\times 10^{-13}$ mol cm$^{-2}$ for
                  PSA. Furthermore we performed antibody-antigen
                  binding experiments and determined the specific
                  binding ratios. The maximum possible ratios of 2
                  were obtained at bulk concentrations of the antigen
                  in the $\mu$g ml$^{-1}$ range for TNF-$\alpha$ and
  note = {2011 impact factor of \textit{Nanoscale:} 5.914}
  author = {Stefan Baumgartner AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Existence and local uniqueness for 3d self-consistent multiscale models for field-effect sensors},
  journal = {Commun.\ Math.\ Sci.},
  volume = 10,
  number = 2,
  pages = {693-716},
  year = 2012,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/baumgartner2012existence.pdf},
  abstract = {We present existence and local uniqueness theorems for a
                  system of partial differential equations modeling
                  field-effect nano-sensors.  The system consists of
                  the Poisson(-Boltzmann) equation and the
                  drift-diffusion equations coupled with a homogenized
                  boundary layer.  The existence proof is based on the
                  Leray-Schauder fixed-point theorem and a maximum
                  principle is used to obtain a-priori estimates for
                  the electric potential, the electron density, and
                  the hole density.  Local uniqueness around the
                  equilibrium state is obtained from the
                  implicit-function theorem.  Due to the multiscale
                  problem inherent in field-effect biosensors, a
                  homogenized equation for the potential with
                  interface conditions at a surface is used.  These
                  interface conditions depend on the surface-charge
                  density and the dipole-moment density in the
                  boundary layer and still admit existence and local
                  uniqueness of the solution when certain conditions
                  are satisfied.  Due to the geometry and the boundary
                  conditions of the physical system, the
                  three-dimensional case must be considered in
                  simulations.  Therefore a finite-volume
                  discretization of the 3d self-consistent model was
                  implemented to allow comparison of simulation and
                  measurement.  Special considerations regarding the
                  implementation of the interface conditions are
                  discussed so that there is no computational penalty
                  when compared to the problem without interface
                  conditions.  Numerical simulation results are
                  presented and very good quantitative agreement with
                  current-voltage characteristics from experimental
                  data of biosensors is found.},
  pdf = {Papers/baumgartner2012existence.pdf}
  author = {Stefan Baumgartner AND Martin Vasicek AND Alena Bulyha AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Optimization of nanowire {DNA} sensor sensitivity using self-consistent simulation},
  journal = {Nanotechnology},
  volume = 22,
  number = 42,
  pages = {425503/1--8},
  month = oct,
  year = 2011,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/baumgartner2011optimization.pdf},
  doi = {10.1088/0957-4484/22/42/425503},
  abstract = {In order to facilitate the rational design and the
                  characterization of nanowire field-effect sensors,
                  we have developed a model based on self-consistent
                  charge-transport equations combined with interface
                  conditions for the description of the
                  biofunctionalized surface layer at the
                  semiconductor/electrolyte interface. Crucial
                  processes at the interface, such as the screening of
                  the partial charges of the DNA strands and the
                  influence of the angle of the DNA strands with
                  respect to the nanowire, are computed by a
                  Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm for charged
                  molecules at interfaces. In order to investigate the
                  sensing mechanism of the device, we have computed
                  the current–voltage characteristics, the
                  electrostatic potential and the concentrations of
                  electrons and holes. Very good agreement with
                  measurements has been found and optimal device
                  parameters have been identified. Our approach
                  provides the capability to study the device
                  sensitivity, which is of fundamental importance for
                  reliable sensing.},
  note = {2011 impact factor of \textit{Nanotechnology:} 3.979}
  author = {Stefan Baumgartner AND Martin Vasicek AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Analysis of Field-Effect Biosensors Using Self-Consistent {3D} Drift-Diffusion and {Monte-Carlo} Simulations},
  volume = 25,
  pages = {407-410},
  journal = {Procedia Engineering},
  year = 2011,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/baumgartner2011analysis.pdf},
  doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.101},
  abstract = {Field-effect biosensors based on nanowires enjoy
                  considerable popularity due to their high
                  sensitivity and direct electrical readout. However,
                  crucial issues such as the influence of the
                  biomolecules on the charge-carrier transport or the
                  binding of molecules to the surface have not been
                  described satisfactorily yet in a quantitative
                  manner. In order to analyze these effects, we
                  present simulation results based on a 3D macroscopic
                  transport model coupled with Monte-Carlo simulations
                  for the bio-functionalized surface layer. Excellent
                  agreement with measurement data has been found,
                  while detailed study of the influence of the most
                  prominent biomolecules, namely double-stranded DNA
                  and single-stranded DNA, on the current through the
                  semiconductor transducer has been carried out.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {A transport equation for confined structures derived from the {Boltzmann} equation},
  journal = {Commun.\ Math.\ Sci.},
  volume = 9,
  number = 3,
  pages = {829-857},
  year = 2011,
  pdf = {Papers/heitzinger2011transport.pdf},
  abstract = {A system of diffusion-type equations for transport in 3d
                  confined structures is derived from the Boltzmann
                  transport equation for charged particles.  Transport
                  takes places in confined structures and the scaling
                  in the derivation of the diffusion equation is
                  chosen so that transport and scattering occur in the
                  longitudinal direction and the particles are
                  confined in the two transversal directions.  The
                  result are two diffusion-type equations for the
                  concentration and fluxes as functions of position in
                  the longitudinal direction and energy.  Entropy
                  estimates are given.  The transport coefficients
                  depend on the geometry of the problem that is given
                  by arbitrary harmonic confinement potentials.  An
                  important feature of this approach is that the
                  coefficients in the resulting diffusion-type
                  equations are calculated explicitly so that the six
                  position and momentum dimensions of the original 3d
                  Boltzmann equation are reduced to a 2d problem.
                  Finally, numerical results are given and discussed.
                  Applications of this work include the simulation of
                  charge transport in nanowires, nanopores, ion
                  channels, and similar structures.}
  author = {Alena Bulyha AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {An algorithm for three-dimensional {Monte-Carlo} simulation of charge distribution at biofunctionalized surfaces},
  journal = {Nanoscale},
  volume = 3,
  number = 4,
  pages = {1608-1617},
  year = 2011,
  doi = {10.1039/C0NR00791A},
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/bulyha2011algorithm.pdf},
  abstract = {In this work, a Monte-Carlo algorithm in the
                  constant-voltage ensemble for the calculation of 3d
                  charge concentrations at charged surfaces
                  functionalized with biomolecules is presented.  The
                  motivation for this work is the theoretical
                  understanding of biofunctionalized surfaces in
                  nanowire field-effect biosensors (BioFETs).  This
                  work provides the simulation capability for the
                  boundary layer that is crucial in the detection
                  mechanism of these sensors; slight changes in the
                  charge concentration in the boundary layer upon
                  binding of analyte molecules modulate the
                  conductance of nanowire transducers.  The simulation
                  of biofunctionalized surfaces poses special
                  requirements on the Monte-Carlo simulations and
                  these are addressed by the algorithm.  The
                  constant-voltage ensemble enables us to include the
                  right boundary conditions; the DNA strands can be
                  rotated with respect to the surface; and several
                  molecules can be placed in a single simulation box
                  to achieve good statistics in the case of low ionic
                  concentrations relevant in experiments.  Simulation
                  results are presented for the leading example of
                  surfaces functionalized with PNA and with single-
                  and double-stranded DNA in a sodium-chloride
                  electrolyte.  These quantitative results make it
                  possible to quantify the screening of the
                  biomolecule charge due to the counter-ions around
                  the biomolecules and the electrical double layer.
                  The resulting concentration profiles show a
                  three-layer structure and non-trivial interactions
                  between the electric double layer and the
                  counter-ions.  The numerical results are also
                  important as a reference for the development of
                  simpler screening models.},
  note = {2011 impact factor of \textit{Nanoscale:} 5.914}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Yang Liu AND Norbert Mauser AND Christian Ringhofer AND Robert W. Dutton},
  title = {Calculation of Fluctuations in Boundary Layers of Nanowire Field-Effect Biosensors},
  journal = {J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.},
  volume = 7,
  number = 12,
  pages = {2574-2580},
  year = 2010,
  doi = {10.1166/jctn.2010.1644},
  pdf = {Papers/heitzinger2010calculation.pdf},
  abstract = {Fluctuations in the biofunctionalized boundary layers of
                  nanowire field-effect biosensors are investigated by
                  using the stochastic linearized Poisson-Boltzmann
                  equation. The noise and fluctuations considered here
                  are due to the Brownian motion of the biomolecules
                  in the boundary layer, i.e., the various
                  orientations of the molecules with respect to the
                  surface are associated with their probabilities. The
                  probabilities of the orientations are calculated
                  using their free energy. The fluctuations in the
                  charge distribution give rise to fluctuations in the
                  electrostatic potential and hence in the current
                  through the semiconductor transducer of the sensor,
                  both of which are calculated. A homogenization
                  result for the variance and covariance of the
                  electrostatic potential is presented. In the
                  numerical simulations, a cross section of a silicon
                  nanowire on a flat surface including electrode and
                  back-gate contacts is considered. The
                  biofunctionalized boundary layer contains
                  single-stranded or double-stranded DNA oligomers,
                  and varying values of the surface charge, of the
                  oligomer length, and of the electrolyte ionic
                  strength are investigated.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Norbert Mauser AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {Multiscale Modeling of Planar and Nanowire Field-Effect Biosensors},
  journal = {SIAM J.~Appl.\ Math.},
  volume = 70,
  number = 5,
  pages = {1634-1654},
  year = 2010,
  doi = {10.1137/080725027},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2010multiscale.pdf},
  abstract = {Field-effect nanobiosensors (or BioFETs, biologically
                  sensitive field-effect transistors) have recently
                  been demonstrated experimentally and have thus
                  gained interest as a technology for direct,
                  label-free, real-time, and highly sensitive
                  detection of biomolecules. The experiments have not
                  been accompanied by a quantitative understanding of
                  the underlying detection mechanism. The modeling of
                  field-effect biosensors poses a multiscale problem
                  due to the different length scales in the sensors:
                  the charge distribution and the electric potential
                  of the biofunctionalized surface layer changes on
                  the Angstrom length scale, whereas the exposed
                  sensor area is measured in micrometers squared. Here
                  a multiscale model for the electrostatics of planar
                  and nanowire field-effect sensors is developed by
                  homogenization of the Poisson equation in the
                  biofunctionalized boundary layer. The resulting
                  interface conditions depend on the surface charge
                  density and dipole moment density of the boundary
                  layer. The multiscale model can be coupled to any
                  charge transport model and hence makes the
                  self-consistent quantitative investigation of the
                  physics of field-effect sensors possible. Numerical
                  verifications of the multiscale model are
                  given. Furthermore a silicon nanowire biosensor is
                  simulated to elucidate the influence of the surface
                  charge density and the dipole moment density on the
                  conductance of the semiconductor transducer. The
                  numerical evidence shows that the conductance varies
                  exponentially as a function of both charge and
                  dipole moment. Therefore the dipole moment of the
                  surface layer must be included in biosensor
                  models. The conductance variations observed in
                  experiments can be explained by the field effect,
                  and they can be caused by a change in dipole moment
  note = {2017 impact factor of \textit{SIAM J.~Appl.\ Math.:} 1.698}
  author = {Christian Ringhofer AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of Field-Effect Biosensors},
  journal = {ECS Transactions},
  volume = 14,
  number = 1,
  pages = {11-19},
  year = 2008,
  doi = {10.1149/1.2956012},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {BioFETs (biologically sensitive field-effect transistors)
                  are field-effect biosensors with semiconducting
                  transducers. Their device structure is similar to a
                  MOSFET, except that the gate structure is replaced
                  by an aqueous solution containing the analyte. The
                  detection mechanism is the conductance modulation of
                  the transducer due to binding of the analyte to
                  surface receptors. The main advantage of BioFETs,
                  compared to currently available technology, is
                  label-free operation. We present a quantitative
                  analysis of BioFETs which is centered around
                  multi-scale models. The technique for solving the
                  multi-scale problem used here is the derivation of
                  interface conditions for the Poisson equation that
                  include the effects of the quasi-periodic
                  biofunctionalized boundary layer. The multi-scale
                  model enables self-consistent simulation and can be
                  used with any charge transport model. Hence it
                  provides the foundation for understanding the
                  physics of the sensors by continuum models.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Rick Kennell AND Gerhard Klimeck AND Norbert Mauser AND Michael McLennan AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {Modeling and Simulation of Field-Effect Biosensors ({BioFETs}) and Their Deployment on the {nanoHUB}},
  journal = {J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.},
  volume = 107,
  pages = {012004/1--12},
  year = 2008,
  doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/107/1/012004},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {BioFETs (biologically active field-effect transistors) are
                  biosensors with a semiconductor transducer. Due to
                  recent experiments demonstrating detection by a
                  field effect, they have gained attention as
                  potentially fast, reliable, and low-cost biosensors
                  for a wide range of applications. Their advantages
                  compared to other technologies are direct,
                  label-free, ultra-sensitive, and (near) real-time
                  operation. We have developed 2D and 3D multi-scale
                  models for planar sensor structures and for nanowire
                  sensors. The multi-scale models are indispensable
                  due to the large difference in the characteristic
                  length scales of the biosensors: the charge
                  distribution in the biofunctionalized surface layer
                  varies on the Angstrom length scale, the diameters
                  of the nanowires are several nanometers, and the
                  sensor lengths measure several micrometers. The
                  multi-scale models for the electrostatic potential
                  can be coupled to any charge transport model of the
                  transducer. Conductance simulations of nanowire
                  sensors with different diameters provide numerical
                  evidence for the importance of the dipole moment of
                  the biofunctionalized surface layer in addition to
                  its surface charge. We have also developed a web
                  interface to our simulators, so that other
                  researchers can access them at the nanohub and
                  perform their own investigations.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {Finite Difference Solutions of the Nonlinear {Schrödinger} Equation and their Conservation of Physical Quantities},
  journal = {Commun.\ Math.\ Sci.},
  volume = 5,
  number = 4,
  pages = {779-788},
  month = dec,
  year = 2007,
  url = {},
  pdf = {Papers/Heitzinger2007finite.pdf},
  doi = {10.4310/CMS.2007.v5.n4.a2},
  abstract = {The solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation are of
                  great importance for ab initio calculations. It can
                  be shown that such solutions conserve a countable
                  number of quantities, the simplest being the local
                  norm square conservation law. Numerical solutions of
                  high quality, especially for long time intervals,
                  must necessarily obey these conservation laws. In
                  this work we first give the conservation laws that
                  can be calculated by means of Lie theory and then
                  critically compare the quality of different finite
                  difference methods that have been proposed in
                  geometric integration with respect to conservation
                  laws. We find that finite difference schemes derived
                  by writing the Schrödinger equation as an
                  (artificial) Hamiltonian system do not necessarily
                  conserve important physical quantities better than
                  other methods.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {An Effective Quantum Potential for Particle-Particle Interactions in Three-dimensional Semiconductor Device Simulations},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 6,
  number = 4,
  pages = {401-408},
  year = 2007,
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-007-0148-4},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {The classical Coulomb potential and force can be calculated
                  efficiently using fast multi-pole methods. Effective
                  quantum potentials, however, describe the physics of
                  electron transport in semiconductors more
                  precisely. Such an effective quantum potential was
                  derived previously for the interaction of an
                  electron with a barrier for use in particle-based
                  Monte Carlo semiconductor device simulators. The
                  method is based on a perturbation theory around
                  thermodynamic equilibrium and leads to an effective
                  potential scheme in which the size of the electron
                  depends upon its energy and which is
                  parameter-free. Here we extend the method to
                  electron-electron interactions and show how the
                  effective quantum potential can be evaluated
                  efficiently in the context of many-body
                  problems. Finally several examples illustrate how
                  the momentum of the electrons changes the classical
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Gerhard Klimeck},
  title = {Computational Aspects of the Three-Dimensional Feature-Scale Simulation of Silicon-Nanowire Field-Effect Sensors for {DNA} Detection},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 6,
  number = {1-3},
  pages = {387-390},
  year = 2007,
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-006-0139-x},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {In recent years DNA-sensors, and generally biosensors, with
                  semiconducting transducers were fabricated and
                  characterized. Although the concept of so-called
                  BioFETs was proposed already two decades ago, its
                  realization has become feasible only recently due to
                  advances in process technology. In this paper a
                  comprehensive and rigorous approach to the
                  simulation of silicon-nanowire DNAFETs at the
                  feature-scale is presented. It allows to investigate
                  the feasibility of single-molecule detectors and is
                  used to elucidate the performance that can be
                  expected from sensors with nanowire diameters in the
                  deca-nanometer range. Finally the computational
                  challenges for the simulation of silicon-nanowire
                  DNA-sensors are discussed.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer AND Shaikh Ahmed AND Dragica Vasileska},
  title = {{3D} {Monte-Carlo} Device Simulations Using an Effective Quantum Potential Including Electron-Electron Interactions},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 6,
  number = {1-3},
  pages = {15-18},
  year = 2007,
  doi = {10.1007/s10825-006-0058-x},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {Effective quantum potentials describe the physics of
                  quantum-mechanical electron transport in
                  semiconductors more than the classical Coulomb
                  potential. An effective quantum potential was
                  derived previously for the interaction of an
                  electron with a barrier for use in particle-based
                  Monte Carlo semiconductor device simulators. The
                  method is based on a perturbation theory around
                  thermodynamic equilibrium and leads to an effective
                  potential scheme in which the size of the electron
                  depends upon its energy and which is
                  parameter-free. Here we extend the method to
                  electron-electron interactions and show how the
                  effective quantum potential can be evaluated
                  efficiently in the context of many-body
                  problems. The effective quantum potential was used
                  in a three-dimensional Monte-Carlo device simulator
                  for calculating the electron-electron and
                  electron-barrier interactions. Simulation results
                  for an SOI transistor are presented and illustrate
                  how the effective quantum potential changes the
                  characteristics compared to the classical
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Wilfried Wessner AND Johann Cervenka AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Andreas Hössinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {Anisotropic Mesh Refinement for the Simulation of Three-Dimensional Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes},
  journal = {IEEE Trans.\ Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
  volume = 25,
  number = 10,
  pages = {2129-2139},
  month = oct,
  year = 2006,
  doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2005.862750},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2005.862750},
  abstract = {This paper presents an anisotropic adaptation strategy for
                  three-dimensional unstructured tetrahedral meshes,
                  which allows us to produce thin mostly anisotropic
                  layers at the outside margin, i.e., the skin of an
                  arbitrary meshed simulation domain. An essential
                  task for any modern algorithm in the finite-element
                  solution of partial differential equations,
                  especially in the field of semiconductor process and
                  device simulation, the major application is to
                  provide appropriate resolution of the partial
                  discretization mesh. The start-up conditions for
                  semiconductor process and device simulations claim
                  an initial mesh preparation that is performed by
                  so-called Laplace refinement. The basic idea is to
                  solve Laplace’s equation on an initial coarse mesh
                  with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Afterward, the
                  gradient field is used to form an anisotropic metric
                  that allows to refine the initial mesh based on
                  tetrahedral bisection.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Alireza Sheikholeslami AND Jong-Mun Park AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {A Method for Generating Structurally Aligned Grids for Semiconductor Device Simulation},
  journal = {IEEE Trans.\ Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
  volume = 24,
  number = 10,
  pages = {1485-1491},
  month = oct,
  year = 2005,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2005.852297},
  abstract = {The quality of the numeric approximation of the partial
                  differential equations governing carrier transport
                  in semiconductor devices depends particularly on the
                  grid. The method of choice is to use structurally
                  aligned grids since the regions and directions
                  therein that determine device behavior are usually
                  straightforward to find as they depend on the
                  distribution of doping. Here, the authors present an
                  algorithm for generating structurally aligned grids
                  including anisotropy with resolutions varying over
                  several orders of magnitude. The algorithm is based
                  on a level set approach and permits to define the
                  refined resolutions in a flexible manner as a
                  function of doping. Furthermore, criteria on grid
                  quality can be enforced. In order to show the
                  practicability of this method, the authors study the
                  examples of a trench gate metal-oxide-semiconductor
                  field-effect transistor (TMOSFET) and a radio
                  frequency silicon-on-insulator lateral double
                  diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor (RF SOI LDMOS)
                  power device using the device simulator MINIMOS NT,
                  where simulations are performed on a grid generated
                  by the new algorithm. In order to resolve the
                  interesting regions of the TMOSFET and the RF SOI
                  LDMOS power device accurately, several regions of
                  refinement were defined where the grid was grown
                  with varying resolutions.}
  author = {Dragica Vasileska AND Hasanur Khan AND Shaikh Ahmed AND Christian Ringhofer AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Quantum and {Coulomb} Effects in Nanodevices},
  journal = {International Journal of Nanoscience},
  volume = 4,
  number = 3,
  pages = {305-361},
  month = jun,
  year = 2005,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {In state-of-the-art devices, it is well known that quantum
                  and Coulomb effects play significant role on the
                  device operation. In this paper, we demonstrate that
                  a novel effective potential approach in conjunction
                  with a Monte Carlo device simulation scheme can
                  accurately capture the quantum-mechanical size
                  quantization effects. We also demonstrate, via
                  proper treatment of the short-range Coulomb
                  interactions, that there will be significant
                  variation in device design parameters for devices
                  fabricated on the same chip due to the presence of
                  unintentional dopant atoms at random locations
                  within the channel.}
  author = {Shaikh Ahmed AND Dragica Vasileska AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {Quantum Potential Approach to Modeling Nanoscale {MOSFETs}},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 4,
  number = {1-2},
  pages = {57-61},
  year = 2005,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {We propose a novel parameter-free quantum potential scheme
                  for use in conjunction with particle-based
                  simulations. The method is based on a perturbation
                  theory around thermodynamic equilibrium and leads to
                  an effective potential scheme in which the size of
                  the electron depends upon its energy. The approach
                  has been tested on the example of a MOS-capacitor by
                  retrieving the correct sheet electron density. It
                  has also been used in simulations of a 25 nm
                  n-channel nanoscale MOSFET with high substrate
                  doping density. We find that the use of the quantum
                  potential approach gives rise to a threshold voltage
                  shift of about 220 mV and drain current degradation
                  of about 30\%.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Hasanur Khan AND Dragica Vasileska AND Shaikh Ahmed AND Christian Ringhofer AND Clemens Heitzinger},
  title = {Modeling of {FinFET}: {3D} {MC} Simulation Using {FMM} and Unintentional Doping Effects on Device Operation},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 3,
  number = {3-4},
  pages = {337-340},
  year = 2004,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {Novel device concepts such as dual gate SOI, Ultra thin body
                  SOI, FinFETs, etc., have emerged as a solution to
                  the ultimate scaling limits of conventional bulk
                  MOSFETs. These novel devices suppress some of the
                  Short Channel Effects (SCE) efficiently, but at the
                  same time more physics based modeling is required to
                  investigate device operation. In this paper, we use
                  semi-classical 3D Monte Carlo device simulator to
                  investigate important issues in the operation of
                  FinFETs. Fast Multipole Method (FMM) has been
                  integrated with the EMC scheme to replace the time
                  consuming Poisson equation solver. Effect of
                  unintentional doping for different device dimensions
                  has been investigated. Impurities at the source side
                  of the channel have most significant impact on the
                  device performance.},
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Stefan Holzer AND Rainer Minixhofer AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Johannes Fellner AND Tibor Grasser AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {Extraction of Material Parameters Based on Inverse Modeling of Three-Dimensional Interconnect Fusing Structures},
  journal = {Microelectronics Journal},
  volume = 35,
  number = 10,
  pages = {805-810},
  year = 2004,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  html = {},
  abstract = {An approach for determining higher order coefficients of the
                  electrical and thermal conductivities for different
                  materials is presented. The method is based on
                  inverse modeling using three-dimensional transient
                  electrothermal finite element simulations for
                  electrothermal investigations of complex layered
                  structures, for instance polycrystalline silicon
                  (polysilicon) fuses or other multi-layered
                  devices. The simulations are performed with a
                  three-dimensional interconnect simulator, which is
                  automatically configured and controlled by an
                  optimization framework. Our method is intended to be
                  applied to optimize devices with different material
                  compositions and geometries as well as for achieving
                  an optimum of speed and reliability.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Alireza Sheikholeslami AND Fuad Badrieh AND Helmut Puchner AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {Feature-Scale Process Simulation and Accurate Capacitance Extraction for the Backend of a 100-nm Aluminum/{TEOS} Process},
  journal = {IEEE Trans.\ Electron Devices},
  volume = 51,
  number = 7,
  pages = {1129-1134},
  month = jul,
  year = 2004,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  doi = {10.1109/TED.2004.829868},
  abstract = {One of the challenges that technology computer-aided design
                  must meet currently is the analysis of the
                  performance of groups of components, interconnects,
                  and, generally speaking, large parts of the IC. This
                  enables predictions that the simulation of single
                  components cannot achieve. In this paper, we focus
                  on the simulation of backend processes, interconnect
                  capacitances, and time delays. The simulation flows
                  start from the blank wafer surface and result in
                  device information for the circuit designer usable
                  from within SPICE. In order to join topography and
                  backend simulations, deposition, etching, and
                  chemical mechanical planarization processes in the
                  various metal lines are used to build up the backend
                  stack, starting from the flat wafer
                  surface. Depending on metal combination,
                  line-to-line space, and line width, thousands of
                  simulations are required whose results are stored in
                  a database. Finally, we present simulation results
                  for the backend of a 100-nm process, where the
                  influence of void formation between metal lines
                  profoundly impacts the performance of the whole
                  interconnect stack, consisting of aluminum metal
                  lines, and titanium nitride local
                  interconnects. Scanning electron microscope images
                  of test structures are compared to topography
                  simulations, and very good agreement is
                  found. Moreover, charge-based capacitance
                  measurements were carried out to validate the
                  capacitance extraction, and it was found that the
                  error is smaller than four percent. These
                  simulations assist the consistent fabrication of
                  voids, which is economically advantageous compared
                  to low-$\kappa$ materials, which suffer from
                  integration problems.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Andreas Hössinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {An Algorithm for Smoothing Three-Dimensional {Monte Carlo} Ion Implantation Simulation Results},
  journal = {Mathematics and Computers in Simulation},
  volume = 66,
  number = {2-3},
  pages = {219-230},
  month = jun,
  year = 2004,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  html = {},
  abstract = {We present an algorithm for smoothing results of
                  three-dimensional Monte Carlo ion implantation
                  simulations and translating them from the grid used
                  for the Monte Carlo simulation to an arbitrary
                  unstructured three-dimensional grid. This algorithm
                  is important for joining various simulations of
                  semiconductor manufacturing process steps, where
                  data have to be smoothed or transferred from one
                  grid to another. Furthermore different grids must be
                  used since using ortho-grids is mandatory because of
                  performance reasons for certain Monte Carlo
                  simulation methods.  The algorithm is based on
                  approximations by generalized Bernstein
                  polynomials. This approach was put on a
                  mathematically sound basis by proving several
                  properties of these polynomials. It does not suffer
                  from the ill effects of least squares fits of
                  polynomials of fixed degree as known from the
                  popular response surface method.  The smoothing
                  algorithm which works very fast is described and in
                  order to show its applicability, the results of
                  smoothing a three-dimensional real world
                  implantation example are given and compared with
                  those of a least squares fit of a multivariate
                  polynomial of degree 2, which yielded unusable
  author = {Thomas Binder AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {A Study on Global and Local Optimization Techniques for {TCAD} Analysis Tasks},
  journal = {IEEE Trans.\ Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
  volume = 23,
  number = 6,
  pages = {814-822},
  month = jun,
  year = 2004,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2004.828130},
  abstract = {We evaluate optimization techniques to reduce the necessary
                  user interaction for inverse modeling applications
                  as they are used in the technology computer-aided
                  design field. Four optimization strategies are
                  compared. Two well-known global optimization
                  methods, simulated annealing and genetic
                  optimization, a local gradient-based optimization
                  strategy, and a combination of a local and a global
                  method. We rate the applicability of each method in
                  terms of the minimal achievable target value for a
                  given number of simulation runs and in terms of the
                  fastest convergence. A brief overview over the three
                  used optimization algorithms is given. The
                  optimization framework that is used to distribute
                  the workload over a cluster of workstations is
                  described. The actual comparison is achieved by
                  means of an inverse modeling application that is
                  performed for various settings of the optimization
                  algorithms. All presented optimization algorithms
                  are capable of evaluating several targets in
                  parallel. The best optimization strategy that is
                  found is used in the calibration of a model for
                  silicon self-interstitial cluster formation and
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Christian Ringhofer},
  title = {A Note on the Symplectic Integration of the Nonlinear {Schrödinger} Equation},
  journal = {J.~Comput.\ Electron.},
  volume = 3,
  number = 1,
  pages = {33-44},
  year = 2004,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  abstract = {Numerically solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and
                  being able to treat arbitrary space dependent
                  potentials permits many application in the realm of
                  quantum mechanics. The long-term stability of a
                  numerical method and its conservation properties is
                  an important feature since it assures that the
                  underlying physics of the solution are respected and
                  it ensures that the numerical result is correct also
                  for small time spans. In this paper we describe
                  symplectic integrators for the nonlinear Schrödinger
                  equation with arbitrary potentials and perform
                  numerical experiments comparing different approaches
                  and highlighting their respective advantages and
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{J.~Comput.\ Electron.:} 3.553}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {On the Simulation of the Formation and Dissolution of Silicon Self-Interstitial Clusters and the Corresponding Inverse Modeling Problem},
  journal = {Microelectronics Journal},
  volume = 35,
  number = 2,
  pages = {167-171},
  month = feb,
  year = 2004,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  html = {},
  abstract = {The formation and dissolution of silicon self-interstitial
                  clusters is linked to the phenomenon of
                  transient-enhanced diffusion (TED) which in turn has
                  gained importance in the manufacturing of
                  semiconductor devices. Based on theoretical
                  considerations and measurements of the number of
                  self-interstitial clusters during a thermal step, a
                  model for the formation and dissolution of
                  self-interstitial clusters is presented including
                  the adjusted model parameters for two different
                  technologies (i.e. material parameter sets). In
                  order to automate the inverse modeling part, a
                  general optimization framework was used. In addition
                  to solving this problem, the same setup can solve a
                  wide range of inverse modeling problems occurring in
                  the domain of process simulation. Finally, the
                  results are discussed and compared with a previous
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Andreas Hössinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {On Smoothing Three-Dimensional {Monte Carlo} Ion Implantation Simulation Results},
  journal = {IEEE Trans.\ Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
  volume = 22,
  number = 7,
  pages = {879-883},
  month = jul,
  year = 2003,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2003.814259},
  abstract = {An algorithm for smoothing results of three-dimensional
                  (3-D) Monte Carlo ion implantation simulations and
                  translating them from the grid used for the Monte
                  Carlo simulation to an arbitrary unstructured 3-D
                  grid is presented. This algorithm is important for
                  joining various process simulation steps, where data
                  have to be smoothed or transferred from one grid to
                  another. Furthermore, it is important for
                  integrating the ion implantation simulator into a
                  process flow. One reason for using different grids
                  is that for certain Monte Carlo simulation methods,
                  using orthogrids is mandatory because of performance

                  The algorithm presented sweeps a small
                  rectangular grid over the points of the new
                  tetrahedral grid and uses approximation by
                  generalized Bernstein polynomials. This approach was
                  put on a mathematically sound basis by proving
                  several properties of these polynomials. It does not
                  suffer from the adverse effects of least squares
                  fits of polynomials of fixed degree as known from
                  the response surface method.

                  The most important
                  properties of Bernstein polynomials generalized to
                  cuboid domains are presented, including uniform
                  convergence, an asymptotic formula, and the
                  variation diminishing property. The smoothing
                  algorithm which works very fast is described and, in
                  order to show its applicability, the resulting
                  values of a 3-D real world implantation example are
                  given and compared with those of a least squares fit
                  of a multivariate polynomial of degree two, which
                  yielded unusable results.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Wolfgang Pyka AND Naoki Tamaoki AND Toshiro Takase AND Toshimitsu Ohmine AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {Simulation of Arsenic In-Situ Doping with Poly-Silicon {CVD} and its Application to High Aspect Ratio Trenches},
  journal = {IEEE Trans.\ Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
  volume = 22,
  number = 3,
  pages = {285-292},
  month = mar,
  year = 2003,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2002.807879},
  abstract = {Filling high aspect ratio trenches is an essential
                  manufacturing step for state of the art memory
                  cells. Understanding and simulating the transport
                  and surface processes enables to achieve voidless
                  filling of deep trenches, to predict the resulting
                  profiles, and thus to optimize the process
                  parameters and the resulting memory cells.

                  Experiments of arsenic doped polysilicon deposition
                  show that under certain process conditions step
                  coverages greater than unity can be achieved. We
                  developed a new model for the simulation of arsenic
                  doped polysilicon deposition, which takes into
                  account surface coverage dependent sticking
                  coefficients and surface coverage dependent arsenic
                  incorporation and desorption rates. The additional
                  introduction of Langmuir--Hinshelwood type time
                  dependent surface coverage enabled the reproduction
                  of the bottom up filling of the trenches in
                  simulations. Additionally, the rigorous treatment of
                  the time dependent surface coverage allows to trace
                  the in situ doping of the deposited film.

                  The model
                  presented was implemented and simulations were
                  carried out for different process parameters. Very
                  good agreement with experimental data was achieved
                  with theoretically deduced parameters. Simulation
                  results are shown and discussed for polysilicon
                  deposition into 0.1$\mu$m wide and 7$\mu$m deep,
                  high aspect ratio trenches.}
  author = {Tibor Grasser AND Hans Kosina AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {Characterization of the Hot Electron Distribution Function Using Six Moments},
  journal = {J.~Appl.\ Phys.},
  volume = 91,
  number = 6,
  pages = {3869-3879},
  year = 2002,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  html = {},
  doi = {10.1063/1.1450257},
  abstract = {The shape of the hot electron distribution function in
                  semiconductor devices is insufficiently described
                  using only the first four moments. We propose using
                  six moments of the distribution function to obtain a
                  more accurate description of hot carrier
                  phenomena. An analytic expression for the symmetric
                  part of the distribution function as a function of
                  the even moments is given which shows good agreement
                  with Monte Carlo data for both the bulk case and
                  inside n$^+$-n-n$^+$ test structures. The influence
                  of the band structure on the parameters of the
                  distribution function is studied and proven to be of
                  importance for an accurate description.}
  author = {Clemens Heitzinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {An Extensible {TCAD} Optimization Framework Combining Gradient Based and Genetic Optimizers},
  journal = {Microelectronics Journal},
  year = 2002,
  volume = 33,
  number = {1-2},
  pages = {61-68},
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  html = {},
  abstract = {The SIESTA framework is an extensible tool for optimization
                  and inverse modeling of semiconductor devices
                  including dynamic load balancing for taking
                  advantage of several, loosely connected
                  workstations. Two gradient-based and two
                  evolutionary computation optimizers are currently
                  available through a uniform interface and can be
                  combined at will. At a real world inverse modeling
                  example, we demonstrate that evolutionary
                  computation optimizers provide several advantages
                  over gradient-based optimizers, due to the specific
                  properties of the objective functions in TCAD
                  applications. Furthermore, we shortly discuss some
                  issues arising in inverse modeling and conclude with
                  a comparison of gradient-based and evolutionary
                  computation optimizers from a TCAD point of view.}
  author = {Tibor Grasser AND Hans Kosina AND Clemens Heitzinger AND Siegfried Selberherr},
  title = {Accurate Impact Ionization Model which Accounts for Hot and Cold Carrier Populations},
  journal = {Appl.\ Phys.\ Lett.},
  volume = 80,
  number = 4,
  month = jan,
  pages = {613-615},
  year = 2002,
  url = {},
  pdf = {},
  html = {},
  doi = {10.1063/1.1445273},
  abstract = {Conventional macroscopic impact ionization models which use
                  the average carrier energy as a main parameter can
                  not accurately describe the phenomenon in modern
                  miniaturized devices. Here, we present a model which
                  is based on an analytic expression for the
                  distribution function. In particular, the
                  distribution function model accounts explicitly for
                  a hot and a cold carrier population in the drain
                  region of metal-oxide-semiconductor
                  transistors. The parameters are determined by
                  three-even moments obtained from a solution of a
                  six-moments transport model. Together with a
                  nonparabolic description of the density of states,
                  accurate closed form macroscopic impact ionization
                  models can be derived based on familiar microscopic
  note = {Impact factor of \textit{Appl.\ Phys.\ Lett.:} 3.791}

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